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Courtenay Youth - Spring

SB School’s Out

Chopped (12 - 15 years)

SK8 Gurlz (12 - 14 years) Learn the basics of skateboard ing. We’ll cruise around the skatepark working on balance, foot positioning, pushing, turn ing, stopping and more. Gain FRQȴGHQFH DQG FDPDUDGHULH among skateboarders in this inclusive program open to girls, girl-identifying individuals and non-binary and gender non-con forming people comfortable in a space centering around friends getting together. Helmets & skateboards included. #16477 Sundays

Skatepark Tour (11 - 13 years)

Test your cooking skills and invent tasty dishes! Each day your team is given a basket of surprise food items that must be incorporated to create a soup, salad, appetizer, entrée or dessert. You will be scored on a variety criteria. Will you be part of the winning team? Prizes included! #15226 Monday - Friday March 17 - 21

Let’s load the bus and start your VXPPHU EUHDN R΍ ZLWK D EDQJ Have fun with your friends and take on new challenges at some of the island’s best skateparks. Skateboards and scooters welcome, helmets mandatory. Drop-ins welcome if minimum numbers met and space allows SOHDVH FDOO WR FRQȴUP EHIRUH showing up. #15769 Friday June 27 9:00 am - 4:00 pm LINC Indoor Skatepark $45

10:00 am - 2:00 pm LINC Youth Centre

Kitchen $155/5

April 27 - May 18 9:30 - 10:30 am LINC Indoor Skatepark $63/4

Sunday SK8 Jam (11 - 13 years)

Private Skateboarding Lesson (6 years & over) :DQW WR UHȴQH \RXU VNDWHERDUG ing or get an edge up on your friends? Are you brand new to the sport and don’t know where to start? Take a private lesson with our instructors and get tips and tricks to help keep you pro gressing. Rentals available. Tuesdays starting April 1 you progressing. This class is geared towards beginners. #16476 Sundays March 30 - April 20 9:30 - 10:30 am LINC Indoor Skatepark $63/4 Jump on your board and go for a rip around the skatepark Sunday mornings! Our instructor will KHOS \RX UHȴQH \RXU VNLOOV DQG guide you through tricks to keep

Extreme Rec Night (11 - 16 years) Friday May 2 3:30 - 10:30 pm $10/preregistration or $15/drop-in space permitting

• archery tag • rock climbing • skatepark • air hockey • pizza & snacks and more!

4:00 - 4:45 pm 5:00 - 5:45 pm 6:00 - 6:45 pm LINC Indoor Skatepark $26


Spring Program Registration starts Monday March 10 Summer Program Registration starts Monday April 28

See page 135


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