Full guide with cover.pdf
Pottery Pursuits (12 - 15 years) Explore both hand-building and wheel throwing through guided projects, demonstrations and self-exploration. Create mugs, bowls and decorative sculptures using your own style. #15765 Thursdays April 10 - June 12 4:00 - 5:30 pm Lewis Craft Room B $235/10 Get stoked on Saturdays! We’ll load the bus and take you on an action-packed adventure! Sign up for one – or join us for them all! Activities are subject to change and weather permitting. Space is limited. Saturdays #15766 May 17 Horne Lake Caves #15767 May 31 Archery Tag & Little Qualicum Falls #15768 June 14 Go Karts & Englishmen River Falls 10:00 am - 4:00 pm LINC Multipurpose Room $55/day Spring Stunts (13 - 15 years) Saturday May 3 11:00 am - 3:00 pm Native Sons Hall $10/table Showcase your talents in arts, crafts, photography, baking and more! courtenay.ca/gnarly Gnarly Little Spring Craft Fair
Youth Aerial Arts: Basics/Intermediate (10 - 18 years) This is a split-level class for stu dents new to aerial fabric, those need a refresher, and early inter mediate students. With focus on skill & strength, you’ll start close to the ground and gain height as \RXU FRQȴGHQFH DQG DELOLWLHV LQ crease. We will work towards cre ating acts to present in our spring show (date to be announced). #15632 Thursdays April 3 - June 12 4:00 - 5:30 pm Vern Nichols Gym $450/12 Youth Aerial Arts: Intermediate (10 - 18 years) This class is for aerialists with previous experience. This class fo cuses on skill building, technique, strength, endurance, creative movement and much more. We will work towards creating acts to present in our spring show (date April 2 - June 11 4:00 - 5:30 pm Vern Nichols Gym $450/12 Youth Aerial Arts: Advanced (10 - 18 years) This class is for aerialists with previous experience and working at an advanced level. This class focuses skill building, technique, strength, endurance, creative movement & much more. We will work towards creating acts to present in our spring show (date to be announced). #15633 Wednesdays
Courtenay Youth - Spring
Special Interest
Art Exploration (12 - 14 years)
Please check receipts for important program information. Apply for discounts that provide healthy lifestyle opportunities through two programs: 1. Recreation Access Program Discounts on programs for City of Courtenay residents who live be low Statistics Canada low income thresholds. 2. LEAP Regional program open to any one in the Comox Valley. Provides 52 free admissions to drop-in activities. Apply for 2025 today! More info at courtenay.ca/recaccess Are you looking for a space to create? Join us for a weekly art block where you can experiment ZLWK GLHUHQW PHGLXPV PD terials and techniques. Paints, pastels, paper and more will help you explore your artistic side. No class May 19. #16479 Mondays May 12 - June 9 5:30 - 7:00 pm LINC Multipurpose Room $75/4
to be announced). #15631 Thursdays
April 3 - June 12 6:00 - 7:30 pm Vern Nichols Gym $450/12
$25 member fee for Aerial classes due WR LQVWUXFWRU DW ȴUVW FODVV
Courtenay Recreation | 250-338-5371 | 250-338-1000 | courtenay.ca/rec
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