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19 Wing Drop-in & Classes

7DNH \RXU ΋ WQHVV URXWLQH XS D notch, whether you’re a begin ner looking to get started or an advanced rider trying to reach a goal, we’ve got you covered. Drop-in with Rec Pass: $10 Drop-in without Rec Pass: $12 Youth Weightroom Orientation (13-17yrs only) A Youth Weightroom Orientation is required for unsupervised access to our weightroom & cardio room. &DOO WR EH DGGHG WR RXU ZDLWOLVW 250-339-8211 ext. 252-8315 'DWHV DQG WLPHV 7R %H &RQέ UPHG Registration is required, payment due at time of enrollment Instructor: PSP Fitness Instructor Military & Rec Pass Holders: $12 All Other Dependants: $18 19 Wing Recreational Clubs *Auto Hobby *Backcountry Hunters & Anglers *Comox Traditional Karate Club *Comox Yacht Club 3DFL΋ F 'LYHUV 6FXED &OXE *Silver Totems Hockey Club *Garden Club *Wood Hobby Club cfmws.ca/Comox/Rec

VWURNHV H[SHULHQFH GLΊ HUHQW WUDLQ ing techniques and start devel oping speed in the pool. Recom mended for those who are already comfortable in the water, and who FDQ FRQ΋ GHQWO\ VZLP P ZLWK out help, or those with experience looking to get addi tional coaching and advice. Please note this is not a learn to swim program. Instructor: Rowen Grimshaw With Rec Pass: $70 Without Rec Pass: $84

balance energy and leave feeling refreshed body, mind and spirit. 2SWLRQV RΊ HUHG WR HQFRXUDJH \RX to try, linger, rest and breathe as you require, moment by moment. Classes led from a trauma-sensi tive approach to optimize choice-making. Instructor: Janet Haigh CAF/DND & Rec Pass Holders: $12 Drop-in without Rec Pass: $15 Pre-Register for the term and UHFHLYH RΊ SHU FODVV Noon Hour Yoga Wednesdays 11:45am-12:45pm Multi-purpose Room Explore a combination of mindful movements and postures where \RX FDQ ΋ QG Ό H[LELOLW\ VWUHQJWK and balance within your body. Focus on challenging yourself or recovery with this guided practice. Instructor: Adrienne Lema Drop-in with Rec Pass: $10 Drop-in without Rec Pass: $12



Bootcamp Thursdays 11:45am-12:45pm Gymnasium/Outdoors Spring 10 Apr - 19 Jun Summer 7 Jul - 22 Aug A total body workout that will challenge you everytime. Achieve your goals and have fun while doing it! Drop-in with Rec Pass: $10 Drop-in without Rec Pass: $12 Combat Mondays 11:45am-12:45pm Gymnasium/Outdoors Spring 7 Apr - 16 Jun Summer 7 Jul - 22 Aug A high intensity workout that includes functional movements and strength challenges. Never the same workout twice! Drop-in with Rec Pass: $10 Drop-in without Rec Pass: $12 Gentle Hatha Flow Yoga Mondays 7-8pm Multi-purpose Room Spring 7 April - 9 June Summer 7 July - 25 August ([SORUH WKH EHQH΋ WV RI JHQWOH movement with intentional breathing to soothe your nervous system, release turbulent thoughts, ease physical tension,

Spin Tuesdays 11:45am-12:45pm Multi-purpose Room Spring 8 April - 17 June Summer 7 Jul - 22 Aug

The only thing you’ll miss is the WUD΍ F 1R PDWWHU \RXU F\FOLQJ experience, you are sure to have a workout you won’t forget.

Military Preferred Registration starts 10 March at 9am General Public Registration starts 17 March at 9am


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