Full guide with cover.pdf


Priority to Military users, age 18yrs+

Building Strength Mondays & Thursdays 2:30-3:30pm Summer Only 7-31 July Want to get strong, but don’t know the right way to get there? This class will point you in the right direction to acheive just that! The basis is full body strength focusing on squats, deadlifts, bench press, overhead press and bent over rows. These are all movements that are part of activities of daily living, in one way or another. The build ing strength class will help you EHFRPH PRUH FRQ΋ GHQW DQG KDYH better safety awareness while lifting heavier weights in the gym, at work, or even at home. Instructor: Blair Grinde With Rec Pass: $70 Without Rec Pass: $84 Fit Forward Tuesdays & Thursdays 9-10am Summer Only 4-22 August $ SURJUHVVLYH ΋ WQHVV SURJUDP perfect for beginners and those UHWXUQLQJ WR ΋ WQHVV 'HVLJQHG to help achieve your health and wellness related goals through guided exercises. This program DLPV WR SURJUHVVLYHO\ EXLOG ΋ WQHVV OHYHOV LQFUHDVH FRQ΋ GHQFH LQ performing exercises, develop sustainable healthy habits, and teach proper form. This is a great ZD\ WR VWDUW \RXU ΋ WQHVV MRXUQH\ and step into a healthier, more FRQ΋ GHQW \RX 1R H[SHULHQFH needed. Instructor: Nicola Knubley With Rec Pass: $50

19 Wing Summer Camps

Summer Camps

Volunteer with our weekly sum mer camp! $100 honorarium Contact: komoxkidscare@gmail.com Additional Camps Abstract Volleyball Camp 25-28 August, age 12-18yrs Get pumped up for the school volleyball season at this ’techni cal tune up’ camp. Athletes will experience Canadian University and National level coaching with Jesse Knight, a Level III coach with international experience. Camp focuses on the balance of strong basic skill development with high performance techniques and tactics. &$) '1' 5HF 3DVV All Other Participants $275 Shooters Basketball Camp 18-21 August, age 10-18yrs This Camp is all about scoring points! Shooting skill develop ment, challenges and games. Coached by Larry Street and Blake Tobacca. **Players bring their basketball &$) '1' 5HF 3DVV All Other Participants $135

Weekly Kids Summer Camp Age 6-11yrs

Regular $225 Ordinary $250 Associate $275

In-person Registration is encouraged as completed IRUPV DUH UHTXLUHG WR FRQ΋ UP registration. Forms can be found at: cfmws.ca/Comox/ SummerCamp

Week 1: July 7-11 Around the World Week 2: July 14-18 Mad Science Week 3: July 21-25 Animal Adventure

Week 4: July 28 - August 1 Spirit Week Week 5: August 11 - 15 Nature Explorers

Without Rec Pass: $60 Swim Stroke Clinic Tuesdays & Thursdays 7:30-8:30am

No camp August 5 - 8 Are you between 13-18yrs of age, looking for volunteer opportunities this summer?

Summer Only 7 July - 3 August 'HVLJQHG WR LPSURYH WHFKQLTXH DQG H΍ FLHQF\ LQ IUHHVW\OH DQG backstroke, learn basics of new

19 WING COMOX | 250-339-8211 ext. 252-8315 | cfmws.ca/comox


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