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Youth Week Celebrations 10 - 18 years May 1 - 7 is all about YOUth! Celebrate Youth Week with free activities for all youth across the Comox Valley. Don’t miss out - follow us on Instagram @comoxcommunitycentre for updates and check the schedule for all the details. Let’s have fun and make some unforgettable memories! Location: Comox Community Centre Thu - Wed | All Day May 1 - 7 | FREE! Youth Week Celebration Classes Registration required for these fun, youth-only classes. Don’t miss out!

Move for Health Day All Ages World Move for Health Day! All ages, all stages, all abilities levels! Let’s show the world how active Comox can be! Stay tuned in early spring for more information about activities, games and challenges around Move for Health Day. Sat | May 10 | FREE!

Special Events Extreme Rec Night 11 - 17 years Join us for archery tag, rock

climbing, skatepark fun, air hockey, pizza, and more! Transportation included from the LINC, with pick up at the aquatic centre. Register early; more info on page 84! Part of our BC Youth Week Festivities. Activity Schedule: 3:30 - 5:15 pm - LINC 5:30 - 6:45 pm - Cumberland Rec 7:15 - 8:30 pm - CCC 9:00 - 10:30 pm - CV Aquatic Centre Location: Meet at LINC, Pickup from CV Aquatic Centre Fri | May 2 Register with Courtenay Recreation Call 250-338-5371 to register | $10 Mother Nature’s Circle All Ages Celebrate upcoming Mother’s Day ZLWK FRPPXQLW\ UHʴHFWLRQ DQG connection. Enjoy mindful practices, craft activities, and meaningful sharing moments in a beautiful botanical garden. Celebrate all PRWKHU ʳJXUHV LQ \RXU OLIH PRWKHUV daughters, grandmothers, and more while surrounded by the joy of Mother Nature. Instructor: Serena Oliveira Location: Stage at Filberg Park Sun | 1:00 - 3:00 pm #17818 | May 4 | $10 + gst Youth Mental Health Day 8 - 18 years This day is all about building connections between young people and the caring adults in their lives, which can positively impact your mental health. Stay tuned for engagement to spark conversations, raise awareness, and inspire action for Child and Youth Mental Health. It’s important to feel heard and connected—together, we can create positive change! Location: Lobby Wed | All Day Drop-in | May 7 | FREE!

School’s Out Basketball & BBQ! 10 - 18 years

Comox Special Events

School’s out for the summer! Let’s kick off the summer fun with food, good company and games. Drop in event, please pay and sign in at the Front Desk. Vegetarian options available. Location: Gym B & Village Park

Youth Intro to Squash Thu | 4:15 - 5:15 pm #17890 | May 1 | FREE! Youth Yoga Flow Sat | 10:15 - 11:15 am #17891 | May 3 | FREE! Girls Youth Kickboxing Sat | 1:30 - 2:30 pm #17893 | May 3 | FREE! Youth Spin & Strength Wed | 4:00 - 4:45 pm #17892 | May 7 | FREE! Drop in activities: Youth Basketball Drop-in Thu | 6:30 - 8:30 pm Drop-in | May 1 | FREE! Youth Volleyball Drop-in Mon | 5:00 - 6:30 pm Drop-in | May 5 | FREE!

Thu | 2:30 - 4:30 pm Drop-in | Jun 26 | $2

Music in the Park All Ages

Music is back in Marina Park for another year, family friendly and free for all, Sunday August 31! Check comox.ca and socials for line up and schedule. Presented in partnership with Elevate Arts Society. Sun | Aug 31 | FREE!



See page 7

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