Full guide with cover.pdf
Food Safe Level 1 - C 13 years & up Be Food Safe! Increase your knowledge, job skills and increase employment opportunities by getting a provincial food safe FHUWLʳFDWLRQ /HDUQ DERXW IRRG safety, how to prevent food borne illness and how to apply safe work practices to reduce job related injury and illness.
Ukulele 10 years & up
Adult CPR A 14 years & up Learn the skills needed to respond to cardiovascular and choking emergencies in adults. Registration is required. Instructor: Comox Fire Rescue Location: Comox Fire Rescue Fri | 1:00 - 3:00 pm #17527 | Apr 25 | FREE! #17528 | May 16 | FREE! #17529 | Jun 6 | FREE! Personal Emergency Preparedness 18 years & up Learn helpful information and advice for individuals and families to be prepared for after a disaster occurs. Registration is required. Instructor: Comox Fire Rescue Location: Comox Fire Rescue
Instructor: Gaetane Palardy Location: MP Hall / Room B
The ukulele is small yet mighty! Suitable for the beginner musician with no prior musical experience. Learn all the basics including rhythm, beginner music theory, how to chord, strum and read chord charts. No session Apr 21. Instructor: Ruth Rae Location: Room B Level 1 - Beginner Mon | 5:00 - 6:00 pm #17880 | Mar 31 - May 12 | $84 + gst #17883 | May 26 - Jun 23 | $70 + gst Level 2 - Advanced Beginner Mon | 6:15 - 7:15 pm #17881 | Mar 31 - May 12 | $84 + gst #17884 | May 26 - Jun 23 | $70 + gst National Lifeguard Waterfront Certification - C 16 years & up )RU FHUWLʳHG OLIHJXDUGV LQWHUHVWHG in developing the judgment, NQRZOHGJH VNLOOV DQG ʳWQHVV required for effective waterfront rescue and supervision. Proof of prior completion of the NL Pool FHUWLʳFDWLRQ LV D SUHUHTXLVLWH IRU this course. Instructor: Jacob Sandler, North Island Aquatic Club Location: Kye Bay Mon - Fri | 4:00 - 7:00 pm #17848 | Aug 11 - 22 | $425 + gst Level 3 - Intermediate Mon | 7:30 - 8:30 pm #17882 | Mar 31 - May 12 | $84 + gst #17885 | May 26 - Jun 23 | $70 + gst
Sun | 9:00 am - 4:00 pm #17598 | Jun 1 | $94 + gst Tue | 9:00 am - 4:00 pm #17599 | Jul 29 | $94 + gst
Befriend Your Inner Critic - C 16 years & up
Comox Adult
Join Coach Linda for a powerful workshop on reducing stress and unlocking your potential. Using the Positive Intelligence framework, you’ll explore how self-sabotaging thoughts hold you back and learn science-based tools to boost resilience, shift setbacks into opportunities, and cultivate lasting peace of mind - all with just minutes of daily practice. Instructor: Linda Bartholme Location: Room B / Room A Sat | 1:00 - 3:00 pm #18083 | May 10 | $60 + gst Tue | 6:30 - 8:30 pm #18084 | May 20 | $60 + gst End-of-Life Doula 101 - C 18 years & up 7DNH \RXU ʳUVW VWHS LQ WKH MRXUQH\ RI becoming an end-of-life doula and discover the profound impact you can have on others. Be empowered to walk along side others during OLIHȤV ʳQDO FKDSWHU ZLWK SUHVHQFH grace and open heart. Instructor: Janet O’Dell Location: Room B Wed | 5:45 - 7:45 pm #17703 | Apr 2 - Jun 4 | $425 + gst Wed | 6:45 - 8:45 pm #17705 | Jul 2 - Sep 3 | $425 + gst
Fri | 10:00 am - 12:00 pm #17522 | Apr 11 | FREE! #17523 | May 2 | FREE! #17524 | Jun 6 | FREE! Time Together Club All ages b
Join this seniors’ and kids’ drop in playgroup, supported by the Seniors’ Intergenerational Action Network. Children, families, youth and seniors want more time together. Drop in for coffee, meet seniors and kids, share in art projects, crafts, and games, and have fun! Instructor: Ann Brown Location: Room B Wed | 1:00 - 3:00 pm Drop-in | Apr 2 - Jun 25 | FREE!
COMOX RECREATION | 250-339-2255 | comox.ca/recreation
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