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Summer Series with Leanne 14 years & up Stay active this summer with energizing morning spins and strength-building evening

Spin Strength Stretch with Leanne 14 years & up 20 minutes of heart pounding spin, 30 minutes of muscle stimulating resistance training using the TRX, EDQGV DQG GXPEEHOOV ʳQLVK ZLWK a relaxing 10 minutes stretch. The perfect combo class. Instructor: Leanne Gray Location: Spin Room Thu | 6:15 - 7:15 pm #18045 | Apr 3 - May 15 | $56 + gst #18046 | May 22 - Jun 26 | $48 + gst TRX Suspension Training with Leanne 14 years & up TRX Suspension training adds a QHZ GLPHQVLRQ WR ʳWQHVV WUDLQLQJ Leverage body weight versus gravity to develop muscular strength and endurance, balance, stability and joint range of motion. An all levels class that will revolutionize the way you think about those “same old gym exercises!”. No session Apr 21. Instructor: Leanne Gray Location: Spin Room Mon | 5:30 - 6:30 pm #18049 | Mar 31 - May 12 | $48 + gst #18050 | May 26 - Jun 23 | $40 + gst Thu | 5:00 - 6:00 pm #18053 | Apr 3 - May 15 | $56 + gst #18054 | May 22 - Jun 26 | $48 + gst

Fitness Kickboxing Bootcamp 16 years & up Get stronger, release stress and have an amazing time in this bootcamp. Learn kickboxing skills while incorporating cardio and strength training using weights and various equipment. Finish off with core and mobility work and leave feeling strong and energized. Instructor: Laurel Dickson Location: Gym B Wed | 9:15 - 10:15 am #17638 | Apr 2 - May 7 | $48 + gst different in this total body class, incorporating strength training and cardio conditioning using a variety of equipment and body weight exercises. You will be sure to leave sweaty and energized for the day. Instructor: Paula Dickie Location: Gym A Tue & Thu | 10:15 - 11:15 am #17632 | Apr 3 - Jun 19 | $230 + gst Advanced Tue & Thu | 9:00 - 10:00 am #17633 | Apr 3 - Jun 19 | $230 + gst Butts, Guts & Biceps 16 years & up Every week is something

workouts! Kickstart your day with Summer Sunrise Spin, a fun, music driven ride to boost endurance. In the evening, challenge your muscles in Summer Strength Circuit, using bodyweight, kettlebells, dumbbells, and bands for a full-body workout. Instructor: Leanne Gray Summer Spin Location: Spin Room Tue | 7:15 - 8:00 am #18047 | Jul 8 - Aug 5 | $40 + gst Summer Strength Location: Gym B Thu | 5:30 - 6:30 pm #18056 | Jul 10 - Aug 7 | $40 + gst Spin & Core with Leanne 14 years & up Improve endurance, build strength and have FUN in this spin and core combo workout. Core work builds strength and stability in your abdominal and low back areas. No session Apr 21. Instructor: Leanne Gray Location: Spin Room Mon | 9:15 - 10:15 am #18029 | Mar 31 - May 12 | $48 + gst #18030 | May 26 - Jun 23 | $40 + gst Wed | 9:15 - 10:15 am #18031 | Jul 9 - Aug 6 | $40 + gst Fri | 9:15 - 10:15 am #18033 | Apr 4 - May 16 | $48 + gst #18034 | May 23 - Jun 27 | $48 + gst

Comox Spin, TRX & Fitness

Looking for a different type of full body workout? Checkout Women’s Kickboxing on pg 25.



See page 7

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