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Spin, Core & Pelvic Floor 14 years & up Enjoy 25 minutes of gentle spin, followed by 20 minutes of post SDUWXP VDIH FRUH DQG SHOYLF ʴRRU exercises, plus a relaxing stretch. This class is perfect for anyone looking to strengthen their deep FRUH DQG SHOYLF ʴRRU 5HEXLOG \RXU strength in a welcoming, supportive environment. Pre-mobile babies are welcome too! Instructor: Laurel Dickson Location: Spin Room Tue | 11:45 am - 12:30 pm #17639 | Apr 1 - May 13 | $70 + gst #17640 | May 20 - Jun 24 | $60 + gst Early Bird Spin with Leanne 14 years & up Rise and shine ride. Kickstart the morning with a vigorous heart pumping workout. A variety of skills and drills accompanied with motivating music will help you SXVK \RXU ʳWQHVV WR WKH QH[W OHYHO Instructor: Leanne Gray Location: Spin Room Wed | 6:15 - 7:00 am #18021 | Apr 2 - May 14 | $49 + gst #18022 | May 21 - Jun 25 | $42 + gst Seniors Spin with Leanne 60 years & up Start your day with an energizing, moderately paced spin session designed to help you stay active and strong. This class offers a variety of skills and drills, all set to uplifting music, to support maintaining or improving your ʳWQHVV DW DQ\ VWDJH RI OLIH Instructor: Leanne Gray Location: Spin Room Wed | 8:15 - 9:00 am #18025 | Apr 2 - May 14 | $49 + gst #18026 | May 21 - Jun 25 | $42 + gst
Youth Spin & Strength 12 - 19 years This combo spin/strength & core class is a fun opportunity to workout to music you love in the company of your peers & classmates. Emphasis on FUN will be integrated throughout the whole class! No sessions Apr 21 & May 19. Instructor: Michaela Jelen Location: Spin Room Mon | 4:00 - 4:45 pm #17702 |Apr 7-Jun 30 | $77 Each class will be a combination of various cycling components and drills; long hill rides, short punchy FOLPEV ʴDW FDGHQFH LQWHUYDOV ZDWW based drills and even some HIIT sets. Never the same ride twice! Let the music inspire you to challenge \RXU RZQ ʳWQHVV )LQLVK ZLWK D thorough lower body stretch. No sessions Apr 21 & May 19. Instructor: Michaela Jelen Location: Spin Room Mon | 6:45 - 7:30 pm #17700 |Apr 7-Jun 30 | $88 + gst Fri | 6:15 - 7:00 am #17701 | Apr 4 - Jun 27 | $96 + gst Spin & Stretch with Michaela 14 years & up
Spin Spin & TRX 14 years & up
Cover all your workout needs in one class! 25 min of high intensity spin followed by 25 min of muscular strength and endurance using the TRX suspension system. Finish up with a 10 min stretch. No session Apr 21. Location: Spin Room Instructor: Glenn Hascarl Tue & Thu | 9:15 - 10:15 am #17682 | Apr 1 - May 15 | $112 + gst #17683 | May 20 - Jun 26 | $96 + gst #17684 | Jul 3 - Aug 14 | $104 + gst
Comox Spin & TRX
Instructor: Glenny Whelan
Tue | 5:30 - 6:30 pm #17711 | Apr 1 - Jun 24 | $104 + gst
Instructor: Leanne Gray
Mon | 6:15 - 7:00 am #18041 | Mar 31 - May 12 | $48 + gst #18042 | May 26 - Jun 23 | $40 + gst Tue | 6:15 - 7:00 am #18043 | Jul 8 - Aug 5 | $40 + gst Wed | 9:15 - 10:15 am #18037 | Apr 2 - May 14 | $56 + gst #18038 | May 21 - Jun 25 | $48 + gst
COMOX RECREATION | 250-339-2255 | comox.ca/recreation
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