Fall Recreation guide 2
Fencing Workout 15 years & up
Taekwondo Juniors - C 8 - 13 years Taekwondo is a Korean martial art and an Olympic sport known for its dynamic kicks, Taekwondo offers students a combination of physical and mental development. Starting at white belt, students will progress through the coloured belt system while learning exciting kicks, dynamic hand strikes and self defense all in a supportive, inclusive and structured learning environment. Students will build confidence, strength, endurance, coordination, flexibility, and reflex reactions. Sanctioned by the BC and Canadian Taekwondo federations. No sessions Oct 9, Nov 13 & 15. Instructor: Richard Dobbs Mondays & Wednesdays White Stripe to Green belt 4:20 - 5:10 pm $294 Blue Stripe to Black belt 5:15 - 6:05 pm $294 Woo Kim Taekwondo Tigers - C 5 - 7 years Taekwondo is a Korean martial art and an Olympic sport. Students learn Taekwondo with an emphasis on fun! Physical skills such as balance, coordination and flexibility are coupled with building mental and social skills like confidence, cooperation and focus. Sanctioned by the BC and Canadian Taekwondo Federation. No sessions Oct 9, Nov 13 & 15. MP Hall #13918 Sep 6 - Dec 13 MP Hall #13917 Sep 6 - Dec 13
Attack the European martial art of Fencing! Take a lunge and learn how to fence for fun and fitness. For those individuals who have already fenced, improve and practice your fencing skills and techniques with fellow fencers and instructors each week. All equipment is provided including fencing masks, protective jackets, practice/electronic weapons and scoring systems. No session Nov 15. Instructor: Rowan Presly Wednesdays 8:00 - 9:00 pm Gym B Sep 13 - Dec 13 #13743 $115 + gst Woo Kim Intro to Taekwondo - C 5 - 10 years If you have never done Taekwondo before this class is for you. This class is designed to teach kids the basic foundational skills like kicking, blocking, punching, and life skills: courtesy, confidence and perseverance. Kids 10 years of age please join the Junior class directly. Sanctioned by BC and Canadian Taekwondo Federation. Instructor permission required to progress to the Tigers/Juniors Classes. Instructor: Jonah Kanary 5 - 6 years Thursdays 5:00- 5:30 pm Room C Sep 7 - Oct 19 #13723 Oct 26 - Dec 7 #14162 $79 7 - 10 years Thursdays
Martial Arts Explore Fencing 10 - 15 years Leap into one of the original
European martial arts. Fence for fun and fitness, and develop your skills. This dynamic form of ancient combat teaches skill, strategy and improves fitness. All equipment is provided including fencing masks, protective jackets, practice/ electronic weapons and scoring systems. No session Nov 15. Instructor: Bill Harrower &
Rowan Presly Wednesdays 6:45 - 7:45 pm Sep 20 - Dec 6
Gym B #13742
$88 + gst Advanced Fencing Practice 15 years & up An opportunity for advanced fencers to work on skills and
techniques, and to practice against like minded fencers. All equipment is provided including fencing masks, protective jackets, practice/ electronic weapons and scoring systems. No sessions Sep 26 & Nov 21. Instructor: Bill Harrower & Rowan Presly Tuesdays 7:30 - 9:00 pm Gym A Sep 12 - Dec 12 #13744 $105 + gst
5:40 - 6:10 pm Sep 7 - Oct 19 Oct 26 - Dec 7
Instructor: Richard Dobbs Mondays & Wednesdays 3:20 - 4:05 pm
#13919 #14161
MP Hall #13923
Sep 6 - Dec 13
Drop-ins available in Advanced Fencing Practice and Fencing Workout if space permits
COMOX RECREATION | 250-339-2255 | comox.ca/recreation
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