Fall Rec Guide 2020
7 STORY CIRCUS AERIAL ARTS (10 - 18 years)
TRAMPOLINE (8 years and over) Develop skills in a structured trampoline program and enhance your performance in other sports, school and social activities. Based on the BC Trampoline Acrosport Federation and CanGym pro - gram, you will progress through strength, body control, co-ordina - tion, timing, balance and self-con - fidence. Best of all, you will have a whole lot of fun! Instructors: Carla Pendergast, Sheri Roffey, Vern Nichols Tuesdays September 29 - December 15
Aerial Arts has become such an important part of our lives and we’re so happy to offer classes again. These classes are for aerialists with intermediate to advanced experience. We will focus on skill review, technique, artistic practice and rebuilding our strength & endurance. Each aerialist will have their own apparatus and training area. *Please contact info@7storycircus.com if your preference is for rope as there will only be one rope available per day. No class October 12. *Please refer to our website prior to class to review our new safety practices and prepare for class. *Until COVID-19 restrictions lift we are not offering beginner classes. 7SC Member Fee: $21/session to be paid to the instructor. Mondays (Intermediate/Advanced) 4:00 - 5:30 pm #6126 September 21 - October 26 $210/6 #6195 November 2 - December 14 $245/7 Fridays (Intermediate) 4:00 - 5:30 pm #6127 September 18 - October 30 $245/7 #6197 November 6 - December 18 $245/7 6:00 - 7:30 (Intermediate/Advanced) #6198 September 18 - October 30 $245/7 #6199 November 6 - December 18 $245/7 Vern Nichols Gymnasium Register ONLINE at courtenay.ca/reconline For updates & schedule changes, go to www.courtenay.ca/rec
#6173 3:30 - 4:30 pm #6174 5:00 - 6:00 pm #6175 6:30 - 7:30 pm
Lewis Centre Gym $120/12
Drop in with your family to burn off some energy due to all the fun and excitement the holiday sea- son brings! This program is mainly unstructured play time with a variety of sport equipment and toys. An instructor will be present to facilitate large group games. An adult must participate and is responsible for the supervision of
their child(ren). #6216 Sundays
December 6 - 20 10:00 - 11:00 am Lewis Centre Gym Free, reservation required
Recreation Access Program Provides opportunities for healthy lifestyle choices to the residents of the City of Courtenay who live below Statistics Canada low
income thresholds. Ask us how to apply!
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