Fall Rec Guide 2020
Gymnastics Both boys and girls will enjoy the sport of Gymnastics, for fun and fitness. Knowledgeable, playful, skilled and friendly, our qualified instructors will connect you to a lifetime love of learning and physical activity. Each class includes a thor - ough warm-up, time spent on individual gymnastics skills, technique and knowledge, followed by a concluding activity according to gymnastics level. Our gymnastics programs follow CanGym curriculum from which report cards are created. New students are evaluated for their starting level during the first two weeks. Please return previous report cards. No classes October 10 and November 11. Instructors: Sheri Roffey, Carla Pendergast, Breanne Hague, Sabrina Savage, Hope Isenor, Chase Balbon
Wednesdays $159/11 Saturdays $159/11 Both days $286/22 Lewis Centre Gym
GIRLS & BOYS GYMNASTICS #1 (8 years & over)
GIRLS & BOYS GYMNASTICS #2 (8 years & over)
These combined classes allow for dynamic energy to be channeled in creative ways. Your experi - enced, fun and energetic instruc- tors will lead you through a thor- ough warm-up and then will help you to learn the fundamentals of gymnastics, develop your individu - al skills, increase strength, flexibil - ity and stamina. Use of equipment may be limited. #6170 Wednesdays September 30 - December 16 3:30 - 4:30 pm Saturdays October 3 - December 19 9:00 - 10:00 am
These combined classes allow for dynamic energy to be channeled in creative ways. Your experi - enced, fun and energetic instruc- tors will lead you through a thor- ough warm-up and then will help you to learn the fundamentals of gymnastics, develop your individu - al skills, increase strength, flexibil - ity and stamina. Use of equipment may be limited. #6172 Wednesdays September 30 - December 16 5:00 - 6:00 pm Saturdays October 3 - December 19 10:30 - 11:30 am
GIRLS PRE ADVANCED (8 years & over) Athletes progress into these programs once base fundamental skills are strong and when you are physically and mentally ready to advance. We recommend 2 classes per week to develop and maintain your skill level. Must have been previously assessed or have received a golden ticket. #6169 Wednesdays September 30 - December 16 6:30 - 7:30 pm Saturdays October 3 - December 19 12:00 - 1:00 pm GIRLS & BOYS This combined advanced class is for athletes who are experienced and strong in the base fundamen- tal skills and are physically and mentally ready to advance. Must have been previously assessed or have received a golden ticket. #6171 Wednesdays September 30 - December 16 8:00 - 9:00 pm Saturdays October 3 - December 19 1:30 - 2:30 pm ADVANCED (8 years & over)
COURTENAY CHILDREN COVID-19 Changes to Gymnastics Programs • Hand & personal hygiene practices such as sneezing and coughing in elbow and frequent hand washing/sanitization will be highly encouraged and built into class • Social distancing will be required • Programs will focus more on individual skills to encourage less shared equipment • Class sizes have been reduced & programming has been changed • No spectators will be allowed for programs • Staff will have increased cleaning protocols between programs • Limit the items participants bring into the gym; participants must only bring what they need in a marked bag (e.g., chalk, grips, full water bottle, hand sanitizer, yoga mat, socks, gloves, tape, etc.). • Sharing of personal items including (but not limited to) food and beverages (e.g., water bottles) is forbidden. • Prior to entering the facility, all individuals must complete a Daily Screening Checklist • Individuals must stay home if they are unwell or if someone in their house hold is sick, even if the symptoms are mild. They must also stay home if they have knowingly been exposed to someone who is sick. • Any discussion between parents and coaches must be completed over the phone, email or by electronic communication.
COURTENAY RECREATION | 250-338-5371 | 250-338-1000 | courtenay.ca/rec
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