Courtenay Rec pages.pdf
Active Pursuits
Courtenay Summer Daycamps
Basketball Skills & Games Camp (12 - 14 years) If you love basketball as much as we do don’t miss your shot on joining this camp. We will work on basic ball handling, pass ing, shooting and many more VSRUW VSHFLȴF VNLOOV LQ WKLV DOO GD\ program. Then you will get the chance to put those skills into play through scrimmages and games! Don’t worry, we will take lots of breaks to enjoy the sum mer as well. #15928 Monday - Friday August 11 - 15 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Vern Nichols Gymnasium $225/5 Teen Paddle Canada Sea Kayaking Basics &HUWLȴFDWLRQ (13 - 16 years) The camp focuses on founda tional skills and knowledge, preparing students for short paddling excursions in calm, sheltered waters. By the end, SDUWLFLSDQWV ZLOO KDYH WKH FRQȴ dence to paddle safely in calm conditions with peers of similar abilities. Teens will leave this camp with Paddle Canada Basic 6HD .D\DN 6NLOOV FHUWLȴFDWLRQ WKH ȴUVW VWHS LQ WKH 3DGGOH &DQDGD Sea Kayak skills progression. #15804 Monday - Thursday July 7 - 10 #15805 Tuesday - Friday
Summer Skateboarding - Private Lessons (6 years & over)
Girls on the Move (12 - 14 years) Grab your friends and get in on the fun with this try-everything recreation camp just for girls! 0RYH VZHDW DQG EXLOG FRQȴ dence while trying new ways to stay active! Activities may include yoga, movement games, archery, Zumba, racquet sports and more! Snack included. A schedule will be provided on the ȴUVW GD\ #15914 Monday - Friday
:DQW WR UHȴQH \RXU VNDWHERDUG ing or get an edge up on your friends? Are you brand new to the sport and don’t know where to start? Take a private lesson with our instructors and get tips and tricks to help keep you progressing. Tuesday/Thursday lessons are at The LINC Indoor Skatepark, while Wednesday/ Friday lessons are at Valley View Outdoor Skatepark Tuesday (LINC) July 8 or August 5 Wednesday (Valley View)
July 28 - August 1 9:00 am - 4:00 pm LINC Youth Centre - Games Room $225/5
July 9 or August 6 Thursday (LINC) July 10 or August 7 Friday (Valley View) July 11 or August 8 12:30 - 1:15 pm or 1:30 - 2:15 pm $26/lesson
Volunteers Make A
'LHUHQFH volunteer
August 12 - 15 12:00 - 4:00 pm Comox Valley Kayaks $295/4 Don’t forget to bring a snack, water bottle, hat, and sunscreen each day!
Summer Program Registration starts Monday April 28 See page 135
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