Courtenay Rec pages.pdf

Junior Leaders in Training (Jr. LIT) (12 - 14 years)

Get ready for your introduction to leadership! We’ll help you de velop leadership skills through play. Then put your leadership, teamwork and communication skills into practice as we plan and host a special event for Parktime & Discovery partici pants on the Friday! #15886 Wednesday - Friday July 2 - 4 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Leaders in Training (13 - 15 years) Have fun, get involved, gain work experience and build your resume as you become an awesome leader! You’ll learn to plan and lead games in the Nickel Carnival! We’ll also cover behaviour management, lead ership and teamwork. Then as a volunteer in summer camps you can be mentored as you test out your new skills! #15887 Monday - Friday July 14 - 18 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Lewis MP Hall $99/5 Customer Service 101 (13 years & over) Gain a practical introduction to basic customer service skills including: communication etiquette and best practices, team work, service recovery and problem solving. Join us for fun interactive activities that will have you practicing scenarios and gain ideas that you can ap ply in your (future) workplace. #16481 Thursday August 21 9:00 am - 4:00 pm LINC Multipurpose Room $95 LINC Multipurpose Room $45/3

Courtenay Summer Daycamps

/HDGHUVKLS &HUWLȴFDWLRQ )LUHȴJKWHU %DVLF Training (13 - 18 years) Challenge your physical and Food Safe Level 1 (13 years & over) Train to become an employ

able food handler in the service industry. Learn about safe food handling methods and food preparation techniques. Certif icates are awarded upon suc cessful completion of the pro gram. A must for resumes! #15926 Friday August 22 9:00 am - 4:00 pm LINC Multipurpose Room $98 All-in-One Job Training (13 years & over) *HW SUHSDUHG WR ODQG \RXU ȴUVW job! Our facilitators will prepare \RX ZLWK FHUWLȴFDWHV WR EXLOG RU boost your resume! Food Safe Level 1, Emergency First Aid & CPRC, Customer Service 101, Leadership and Fire Fighter Ba sic Training are all up for grabs this week. Get tips on how to polish up your resume and help \RX ȴQG DQG DSSO\ IRU \RXU ȴUVW (or next) job! #16482 Monday - Friday August 18 - 22 9:00 am - 4:00 pm $450/5

mental abilities as you train with the Courtenay Fire Department. Get educated about volunteer DQG FDUHHU RSSRUWXQLWLHV LQ ȴUH ȴJKWLQJ $FWLYLWLHV PD\ LQFOXGH extinguisher training, auto ex traction, building searches and more. #15924 Monday July 28 #15925 Monday August 18 Emergency First Aid & CPR C (13 years & over) /HWȇV FRYHU WKH $%&ȇV RI ȴUVW DLG - airway, breathing and circu lation. Learn how to deal with obstructed airways, breathing distress, wound care and CPR. A \HDU FHUWLȴFDWH ZLOO EH LVVXHG upon successful completion. #16480 Tuesday August 19 8:30 am - 4:30 pm LINC Multipurpose Room $135 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Captain A.A. Lane Macdonald Fire Training Centre $39

Courtenay Recreation | 250-338-5371 | 250-338-1000 |


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