City of Courtenay Annual Report 2022


Health and safety The City of Courtenay's Occupational Health and Safety Program statistics continue to reflect strong results despite recognizing a slight increase in employee injuries in 2022. We have seen a decrease in both the severity level and duration of our employee injury claims which are good indications that both our Safety and Return to Work programs are working well. In 2022, the City was awarded the “Most Improved” award by the BC Municipal Safety Association and continues to recognize a significant reduction in WCB insurance premiums. The City’s workforce is well-educated and engaged and is championed by two strong, proactive Joint Health & Safety Committees. The workplace participates annually in the WorkSafeBC Partners in Injury Reduction safety audit program earning a Certificate of Recognition which has been maintained for over 8 years.


The City's Human Resources division is guided by its mission to use respectful and innovative collaboration and create a safe work environment, while providing specialized leadership, guidance, resources and support that will empower City of Courtenay's employees to succeed. The Human Resources team provides supports to a variety of areas across the City, including Courtenay's strategic priorities, recruitment and staffing, employee and labour relations, health and safety, employee compensation programs, compliance and education on guiding regulations and legislation, the discipline and grievance process, and learning and development. Focus areas 2022 • Provided Indigenous Awareness Training to City staff across all departments • With the goal of improvement in all our service areas, HR commenced a review and update of the City’s Human Resources Policies • Ongoing improvement to our Health and Safety program to the benefit of all employees, contract workers, and visitors • Introduced a Flexible Work pilot program to staff in recognition of the importance of supporting employees as they balance personal and career obligations • Successful recruitment for a record number of job postings. Increased recruitment due to employee turnover, capacity building, and the reopening of recreation facilities and programs that had been impacted by closures and cancellations due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

This has earned the City a significant reduction in WCB insurance premiums at 15% less than the industry base rate. The reduction of injuries is a good reflection of how the safety program has

matured along with the City's corporate culture. Health and safety training has been standardized at a high level, with strong orientation and competency programs at work. The graph below illustrates City's injury frequency and lost time injuries from 2013 to 2022, compared to the average lost-time injuries for industry (municipalities).


Recruitment activities continue to increase, with staff finding recruitment efficiencies with existing resources.


City of Courtenay | 2022 Annual Report

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