
FAMILY GYMNASTICS 1 - 6 years with parent • Gymnasium Fun-filled playtime for parent & tot on our beams, ropes and rings. Once se- ries registration closes (see dates be- low), individual class registration may be available for $10 if space allows. Instructor: Sheri Roffey Mondays, 11:00 - 11:45 am Jan 4 - Mar 29: $108/12 #5293 No class Feb 15 LITTLE NINJAS (& SENSEI) 3 - 6 years • Gymnasium A fun mix of parkour and gymnas- tics that includes jumping, landing, rolling, vaulting, climbing and falling safely. All little ninjas must be accom- panied by a sensei (parent or guard- ian) to better help us use our virtuous ninja skills to ward off the nefarious COVID-19 virus. Instructor: Sheri Roffey Mondays, 12:30 - 1:30 pm Jan 4 - Feb 8: $66/6 #5300 Feb 22 - Mar 29: $72/6 #5352 DEEP NATURE CONNECTION FORADULTS 16+ • Coal Creek Historic Park Whether you’ve been on your jour- ney of connection for a long time or are just starting out, come experi- ence the nourishment of engaging your mind, body and senses in the way nature intended with Fianna Wilderness School founders Stepha- nie MacKay and Kester Reid. Learn core routines for shifting brain pat- terns toward connection, develop or grow your knowledge base of the plant and animal worlds, explore the relationship between your inner and outer landscapes and engage in fun games and activities that naturally expand awareness and enhance vi- tality. Instructor: Fianna Wilderness School Sundays, 10:00 am - 1:00 pm Jan 17 - Feb 28 #5327 No class Feb 14


Registered “Drop-In” Sports Due to COVID-19 protocols, there will be no traditional drop-in programs this season. Instead, each month’s sessions of the following Registered “Drop-In” Activities can be booked starting on the 20th of the month prior at 7:00 am. Capacity has been reduced for many activities, so we encourage you to book early. All drop-in programs are free with your Cumberland Recreation member- ship. Otherwise, regular facility rates apply (see page 105) . For important COVID-19 information specific to each program, please visit

PICKLEBALL Gymnasium • Drop in for a fun, fast and physically distanced game of pickleball! All players must bring their own ball or purchase one for $4. Please register individually and en- sure your partner is in your “bubble.” Advanced: Mon, Wed, Thu, & Fri, 7:15 - 9:00 am: January #5337 February #5338 March #5339 Intermediate & Above: Tuesdays & Fridays,12:00 - 1:30 pm and Wednesdays, 9:15 - 10:45 am: January #5340 February #5341 March #5342 No pickleball Feb 15 ROLLER SKATING Gymnasium • Drop in for an old-time roller skate, facilitated by members of the Brick House Betties. Roller skates and protective gear are not provided and helmets are strong- ly recommneded. Come kick it with us old school while maintaining safe physical distance and skating our way into Bonnie Henry’s heart. Fridays, 7:15 - 8:45 pm: January #5349 February #5350 March #5351 No roller skating Jan 1 or Mar 5

TABLE TENNIS Cultural Centre • Play with members of the Cumberland Table Tennis Club or practice your skills with our table tennis robot. All levels welcome. Due to COVID-19 protocols, all players must bring their own ball or purchase one for $2. Facilitator: Adam Kuzma Sundays, 2:00 - 5:00 pm; Mondays, 5:00 - 6:30 pm; and Fridays, 6:00 - 9:00: January #5343 February #5344 March #5345 No table tennis Mar 5 & Mar 7 YOUTH TABLE TENNIS 5 - 18 yrs • Cultural Centre The Cumberland Table Tennis Club provides a supportive environment for young players to learn and im- prove their game. Due to COVID-19 protocols, all players must bring their own ball or purchase one for $2. Mondays, 4:00 - 5:00 pm: January #5346 February #5347 March #5348



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