
CLIMBING CLUB 8 - 13 yrs • Climbing Wall

This program gives young climbers and belayers even more time on the wall, learning climbing techniques, belaying, safety procedures and more, under the tutelage of a highly experienced and certified climbing instructor. No experience necessary; skills will be tailored to the group. Jan 6 - Feb 11, 4:30 - 5:45 pm: Wednesdays: $90/6 #5321 Thursdays: $75/5 #5307 Feb 17 - Mar 18, 4:30 - 5:45 pm: Wednesdays: $75/5 #5322 Thursdays: $75/5 #5308


Sports RED DRAGON TAEKWONDO 4 years and up • Cultural Centre Learn Taekwondo skills such as kick- ing, blocking, self-defense & Olympic sparring in a respectful environment. Instructor: Paul Sitko, 5th Dan Master Mondays & Wednesdays Little Dragon 4-8 yrs, 7:00-7:30 pm Jan 4 - Feb 10: $84/12 #5315 Feb 17 - Mar 18: $63/9 #5316 Red Dragon ages 9+, 7:35-8:05 pm Jan 4 - Feb 10: $84/12 #5317 Feb 15 - Mar 18: $70/10 #5318 INTRO TO ROLLER SKATING 14+, Gymnasium • Facilitated by members of the Brick House Betties, this program provides a comprehen- sive introduction to roller skating, including basic tailored to each skat- er’s ability. Roller dance instruction is also available. Note: The Bet- ties may be able to lend skates and pads, but supply is limited. Helmet and mouth guard are required. Con- tact to request borrowed gear. Sundays, 9:30 - 11:00 am Jan 10 - Mar 21: $88/11 #5326


Adventure & Discovery AFTERSCHOOL CLUB

Instructor: Sarah Trask For all climbing programs, shoes and harness are provided and parents are encouraged to stay and belay.

5 - 10 yrs • Gymnasium & Outdoors What better way to cap off the school day than with some active fun and discovery? This program includes a variety of indoor and outdoor ac- tivities like hikes, scavenger hunts, active games and more. The gymna- sium serves as our home base, but come dressed for the elements and ready for some serious fun! Program includes pick-up from Cumberland Community School. (We meet under the covered area between the Beau- fort building and the youth centre an- nex.) Please let us know if your child does not require pick-up from CCS. Jan 4 - Mar 16, 2:45 - 5:00 pm Mondays: $160/10 #5319 Tuesdays: $176/11 #5320

JUNIOR CLIMBERS 5 - 8 yrs • Climbing Wall

Explore the climbing wall through games, bouldering, climbing and be- laying. Parents are welcome to come and belay. Includes pick-up from Cumberland Community School. 2:45 - 4:00 pm: Jan 6 - Feb 10: $90/6: #5303 Feb 17 - Mar 17: $75/5 #5304 Thursdays, 2:45 - 4:00 pm: Jan 7 - Feb 11: $90/6 #8306 Feb 18 - Mar 18: $75/5 #8305 MATINÉE MOUNTAINEERS 6 - 13 yrs • Climbing Wall Climbing-focused challenges and ac- tivities like bouldering, belaying and games promote technique, strength and balance. Lessons are tailored to the group’s interests and abilities. Wednesdays, 1:00 - 2:15 pm Jan 6 - Feb 10: $90/6 #5301 Feb 17 - Mar 17: $75/5 #5302


VILLAGE OF CUMBERLAND | 250-336-2231 |

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