courtenay rec pages with hyperlinks
OUR PROGRAMS Parents Together An ongoing fa c i l itate d peer support group for parents of teens. ParentingWithout Power Struggles A 10 - week e d u c ationa l program for parents of preteens. Check our website at FOR MORE INFORMATIONONGROUPS IN
Chi ldren' s Choi r ages 7-10
Youth Choi r ages 11-17 Wednesdays 5:30-7:00pm Sept -May
YOUR AREA PLEASE CONTAC T: BGC of Central Vancouver Island - Comox Valley Club 250-338-7141
Wednesdays 4:00-5:15pm Sept -May
No audi t ion required
Bursaries avai lable
See full program information at:
BGCC - Parenting Programswere developed by staffand parents throughout BC and is administered under the auspices of BGCCVI Funding Is generously provided provincially by the Ministry ofChildren and Family Development.
Community Groups
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