courtenay rec pages with hyperlinks
PEDAL N’ SCULPT This popular Saturday morning workout is comprised of every- thing you’ll need. Class begins with a cycle workout, then moves to strength and ab training. No class February 19. Instructor: Luis Acosta #8817 Saturdays January 8 - April 2 9:00 - 10:15 am Lewis Activity Room $6.50/Drop-in some Big Bang for Fitness Buck with this fun and motivating class! Instructor: Michaela Jelen #8928 Wednesdays January 5 - March 30 6:15 - 7:15 am Lewis Activity Room $6.50/Drop-in ZUMBA TONING Zumba® Toning combines tar- geted body-sculpting exercises and high-energy cardio work with Latin-infused Zumba® moves. No class February 21. Instructor: Milena Spratt #8820 Mondays January 10 - March 28 5:30 - 6:30 pm Lewis Activity Room $6.50/Drop-in SPIN CYCLE Come get your heart pumping with 60 straight minutes on the spin bike. Listen to motivating mu- sic, challenge your body, and get CORE N’ MORE This core based class utilizes glid- ers, bender balls and bodyweight to strengthen your core and sculpt your abs! No class February 21. Instructor: Nancy Victoria #8979 Mondays January 10 - March 28 12:10 - 12:55 pm Lewis Activity Room $6.50/Drop-in
STEP IT UP Join us for this fun throwback step class where you’ll get a full body, low impact, cardio workout! You can expect a mixture of upbeat, rhythmic stepping, combined with strength movements that will leave you feeling energetic and strong! Instructor: Signi Caine #8813 Tuesdays January 4 - March 29 9:00 - 10:00 am Lewis Activity Room $6.50/Drop-in CARDIO-KIX POWER MIX In this class Tammy will lead you through a higher intensity cardio workout using fun, energetic, kick- boxing and dance moves. You’ll then use a variety of equipment like TRX, kettlebells, free weights, bosu balls and more, to sculpt your core and increase strength from head to toe! No class Febru- ary 21. Instructor: Tammy Jones #8874 Mondays January 10 - March 28 9:00 - 10:15 am Lewis Activity Room $6.50/Drop-in
TRICYCLE This class is full of fun and variety. Coming on and off the bike, this class gets the heart pumping with 5-8 minute sets on the bike alter- nating with 5-8 minute sets on the floor focusing on strength training all muscle groups. The hour flies by with variety, motivating music, and fun! All abilities welcome. Instructor: Michaela Jelen #8816 Fridays January 7 - April 1 9:00 - 10:00 am Lewis Activity Room $6.50/Drop-in BOOTCAMP BLAST This dynamic class combines car- dio, functional training and con- ditioning exercises. It’s all about working hard, facing a challenge and getting results! Instructor: Steve Thomson #8815 Tuesdays January 4 - March 29 10:30 - 11:30 am #8814 Thursdays January 6 - March 31 9:00 - 10:00 am Lewis Activity Room $6.50/Drop-in
COURTENAY RECREATION | 250-338-5371 | 250-338-1000 |
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