courtenay rec pages with hyperlinks

BELLY DANCE Come have fun learning belly dance and discovering your inner Scheherazade! We will cover the basic moves, rhythms and veils.

No class February 21 . Instructor: Laura Forgie #8979 Mondays

January 10 - March 14 5:30 - 6:30 pm Native Sons Grand Hall $59/9


Let’s build on the foundations of the beginner class to add some new techniques and moves! We will explore new drum rhythms, costuming, veilwork, and a short choreography that will pull ev- erything together. As always, the main goal is to have FUN!! No class February 21 . Instructor: Laura Forgie #8988 Mondays January 10 - March 14 6:45 - 7:45 pm Native Sons Grand Hall $59/9 LINE DANCE PARTY Line Dancing isn’t just country anymore! Dancing to pop, country and more, you will burn calories and have loads of fun. Join us for great exercise and music, learning beginner line dances or kick things up a notch with some more vari- ations in Beyond Beginners. No class February 21. Instructor: Darlene Birtwistle Mondays #8991 Beginners January 10 - March 14 6:45 - 7:45 pm #8992 Beyond Beginners 8:00 - 9:00 pm Lewis Activity Room $59/9

Dance & Movement

LINE DANCE Come kick up your heels and dance the afternoon away! Line dancing is a great way to keep your brain and body active! Instructor: Joan Wydness Tuesdays (Intermediate) #8994 January 11 - March 15 1:00 - 2:00 pm Native Sons Hall Lower Lodge Wednesdays (Beginner) #8993 January 12 - March 16 1:15 - 2:15 pm Lewis Activity Room $65/10 DANCEFIT SILVER This lower intensity (but just as fun), dance based fitness class will have you working out to easy to follow dance moves, exercises and fun , upbeat music. The hour will fly by before you know it, plus it’ll leave you feeling rejuvenated and wanting more! Instructor: Lyla Pettis #8817 Thursdays January 6 - March 31 10:30 - 11:30 am Lewis Activity Room $6.50/Drop-in


SILVER SWAN BALLET (55 years & over) Develop strength and flexibility through classical technique in this 55+ class. Beginners welcome! No experience necessary. Class is based on Royal Academy of Dance

Graded syllabus. #9006 Tuesdays

January 11 - March 15 6:30 - 7:30 pm Lewis Activity Room $59/9

CIRCLE DANCE Come learn traditional folk, mod- ern and meditative songs and dances from around the world. Beautiful, dreamy dances to fun (and funny) dances. Most are done in a circle connected by hands, but we will modify this to a distanced ‘connection’ as we create a circle of laughter and healing. No dance experience necessary and two left feet are most welcome! Instructor: Laura Forgie #8990 Wednesday February 23

6:45 - 8:45 pm Lewis MP Hall $17

See page 65 for Zumba options


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