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LANDSCAPE PAINTING ACRYLIC OR OIL If you think you’d love painting landscapes, this course is for you! Learn how to simplify what you are seeing for ease of ‘getting it down’, how to get a successful composition, to paint water, sky, clouds and trees, get the right colours of nature, or just take your own work to a whole new level. This class is appropriate for students at all levels. Instructor: Teresa Knight #8998 Thursdays February 10 - March 17 6:00 - 8:00 pm Lewis Craft Room B $97/6 Register ONLINE at For updates & schedule changes, go to

AWESOME ACRYLICS This class will teach or review all the basics for those new to painting or those who are looking for a refresher. In addition, you may work in class on your paint- ings-in-progress with help and ad- vice, or start and finish some new ones from scratch! There will be lots of learning and opportunities for improvement for everyone. Instructor: Teresa Knight #8997 Wednesdays January 12 - February 16 6:00 - 8:00 pm Lewis Craft Room A $97/6 HOW TO DRAW & PAINT THE HUMAN FIGURE Capturing the human figure on canvas or paper is so rewarding. Teresa’s methods make it easy to get proportion and position right, show movement, replicate colours and add life to your work. Get ready to have fun and learn a lot! Instructor: Teresa Knight #8995 Mondays January 10 - February 14 6:00 - 8:00 pm Lewis Craft Room A $97/6 THE ZEN ZONE - THINK WITH INK Experience the creativity and the calm that comes with doodling with a pen! We will explore a vari- ety of patterns to get started, then create a final piece that combines your favourites and maybe some of your own patterns! Super easy and relaxing and no artistic ability required. Materials provided. Instructor: Laura Forgie #9071 Tuesday February 15 #9072 Tuesday March 15 6:30 - 8:30 pm Lewis Meeting Room $15

CLAY WORKS Whether you like traditional sculp- ture or would like to create funky, functional pieces of art, this class is for you. Tools, under-glazes and glazes are provided to complete your creations. No class February 21. Instructor: Jenja McIntyre Mondays #9012 January 10 - 31 #9013 February 7 - March 7 7:30 - 9:30 pm Lewis Craft Room B $165/4 and shadows, to show foreground and background, add life, and lots more! Instructor: Teresa Knight #8996 Tuesdays February 8 - March 15 6:00 - 8:00 pm Lewis Craft Room A $97/6 Let’s practice drawing and painting from a still life! Starting from how to get the simple shapes and block in colours, to capture the light




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