courtenay rec pages with hyperlinks
BINGO WITH SANTA Pull out your holiday sweater and get ready for some festive fun! Bingo with Santa is sure to be a merry treat. Prizes for all partici - pants. #8301 Wednesday December 8 WINTER WONDERLAND DANCE Kick off the holiday season with the Adapted Crew at our annual Winter Wonderland Dance. Treats and drinks provided and a visit from a special guest! #8659 Friday December 17 10:30 - 11:45 am Lewis Centre Gym $2
ST PATRICK’S DAY DANCE A night of jigs, reels, and then some! Wear green and shamrocks, join us for a night of step danc - ing... even if you aren’t Irish! #8970 Thursday March 17 Special Events
12:30 - 2:30 pm Native Sons Hall $5
Do you have the Luck of the Irish? Wear your green and bring good luck for our morning bingo ses - sion! Lucky charms for everyone! #8962 Tuesday March 15 10:30 - 11:30 am Lewis Centre Craft Room A $3
Celebrate Valentine’s Day with all your friends at our annual Val - entine’s Day Dance. Be ready to spread the love and don’t forget your dancing shoes for an evening of music and treats! #8969 Friday February 11
COURTENAY ADAPTED PROGRAMS 12:30 - 2:30 pm Filberg Centre $5
Adapted Winter Registration starts on Monday November 22 at 10:00 am.
6:30 - 8:30 pm Lewis MP Hall $5
VALENTINE’S BINGO Bring your sweetheart, bring your friends and get ready to enjoy a sweet game of bingo to celebrate! Chocolate and prizes for everyone! #8963 Monday February 14 10:00 - 11:00 am Lewis MP Hall $3
Bad Weather Please note our guideline for canceling classes during the winter months. If School District #71 has canceled schools in the Comox Valley, all Adapted Programs classes will be canceled as well. Check the radio for school closure notices, or call the Lewis Centre for more information. If programs are open in the morning but snow starts falling during the day and is creating hazardous driving conditions, staffmay cancel programs. The above procedures will also apply during extended power outages. If you have any questions, please call the Lewis Centre 250-338-5371 or check theCity’swebsiteat . Also, findAdaptedProgramsupdates on City of Courtenay’s Facebook page.
Laura McGrath , Adapted & Inclusive Program Supervisor 250-338-5371
COURTENAY RECREATION | 250-338-5371 | 250-338-1000 |
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