courtenay rec pages with hyperlinks
ADAPTED WINTER BOWLING LEAGUE Strike up new friendships at our fun bowling leagues on Wednes - days. Get ready for spares, chop- offs, strikes and probably a few gutter balls as you work to im- prove your bowling game. Who will be the first to get a turkey (3
strikes in a row)?! #8965 Wednesdays
January 19 - March 16 3:00 - 4:00 pm Codes Country Bowling $5/9
Weekly dues are $3.50. Thanks to the CV Community Foundation for it’s generous subsidy of $1/person for every game played. ADAPTED DANCE PARTY Let’s get the wild winter dance party started! Register with your friends and join Tammy for this fitness inspired class that is sure to warm you up during the cold winter days! All abilities and levels welcome. Instructor: Tammy Jones #8966 Tuesdays January 18 - March 15 1:00 - 2:00 pm Lewis Centre Gym $50/9 ADAPTED STRETCH & MOVEMENT Join Wendie for a class of gentle stretching and movement. Instructor: Wendie Matte #9152 Tuesdays January 18 - March 15 10:30 - 11:30 am Lewis MP Hall $45/9 All Active Adapted Programs will require proof of vaccination to par- ticipate. Please bring your proof of vaccination and a piece of government ID to your class.
COURTENAY ADAPTED PROGRAMS Active Adapted Programs ADAPTED FIT & FUN Rock, roll, move and groove to the music as Wendie leads you through different fun fitness games and activities! Instructor: Wendie Matte #8960 Fridays January 21 - March 18 1:15 - 2:15 pm Lewis Activity Room $45/9 ADAPTED ARCHERY Learn the art of archery through ADAPTED KARATE Learn the basics of kicks, punch - es and moves in this karate class adapted to each participant’s needs and mobility issues. Instructor: Sebastien Braconnier #8961 Fridays January 21 - March 18 10:15 - 11:45 am Lewis Vern Nichols Gym $45/9
FITNESS WITH HEIDI Stay fit and have fun with awe - some exercise adaptable for everyone. Instructor: Heidi Fordham #9050 Wednesdays January 19 - March 16 10:30 - 11:15 am Lewis MP Hall $36/9 ADAPTED CHAIR FIT An upbeat and gentle workout class for those who need to walk or sit. All ages welcome. Instructor: Wendie Matte #9151 Fridays January 21 - March 25 10:30 - 11:30 am Filberg Conference Hall $45/9
step by step instruction. Each week we’ll review how to draw a bow and shoot arrows so that your coordination, strength, aim and accuracy improve. No class March 11. Instructor: Sebastien Braconnier #8954 Fridays January 21 - March 18 12:15 - 1:30 pm Lewis Centre Gym $45/8
All AdaptedPrograms Proudly Sponsoredby:
COURTENAY RECREATION | 250-338-5371 | 250-338-1000 |
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