courtenay rec pages with hyperlinks


JR. SKATE STARS (5 - 7 years)

SK8 LIKE A GIRL (6 - 12 years)

SCOOTER SUNDAYS (6 - 12 years) Start your Sunday off with a scoot around the indoor skatepark! Have fun developing in this sport as you learn tips from your in - structors as you maneuver around the street section and bowl. This class is geared to beginner-novice riders wanting to learn new tricks or try out a new sport. No class February 20 . #8946 Sundays January 9 - March 13

Have you ever wanted to try out skateboarding? This introductory class will get your wheels spinning! You’ll learn the basics of balance and pushing and have fun explor - ing the street and bowl sections of the indoor park. No class Febru- ary 21 . #8942 Mondays January 10 - March 14

While the boys are away, the girls (or those who identify) will SKATE! Build confidence and have fun learning the basics of skateboard - ing. Learn to cruise, test the ramps and try a trick or two. Grab your friends and get ready to own the skatepark. Skateboards and safety equipment included. No class February 21 . #8944 Mondays January 10 - March 14

4:00 - 4:45 pm LINC Skatepark $85/9

6:15 - 7:00 pm LINC Skatepark $85/9

SUNDAY SK8 JAM (6 - 10 years)

9:45 - 10:45 am LINC Skatepark $95/9

ADULT SK8 (16 year & over)


Jump on your board and go for a rip around the skatepark Sunday mornings! Our instructor will help you refine your skills and guide you through tricks to keep you progressing. This class is geared towards beginners. No class Feb- ruary 20 . #8945 Sundays


Dust off your wheels and come out for adult night at the indoor park! Helmets required & avail - able. No drop-in February 21 . Mondays January 10 - March 14

Build confidence learning the sport of skateboarding. We will review the basics to get you cruising and then trying out a trick or two! This class is geared to beginner-novice skaters. No class February 21 . #8943 Mondays January 10 - March 14

7:00 - 9:00 pm LINC Skatepark $4/drop-in

January 9 - March 13 11:00 am - 12:00 pm LINC Skatepark $95/9

Look for this symbol throughout Courtenay Rec pages for programs that incorporate Physical Literacy.

5:00 - 6:00 pm LINC Skatepark $95/9


LESSONS (6 - 13 years)

Want to refine your skateboard skills or get an edge up on your friends? Take a private lesson and our instructors can give you tips & tricks to keep you progressing. Wednesdays January 12 - March 16 4:00 - 4:45 pm or

5:00 - 5:45 pm LINC Skatepark $22/lesson

Interested in a private scooter lesson? Ask us about availability.



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