courtenay rec pages with hyperlinks

Leisure Buddies Is there a program that your child is interested in but requires additional help to better support them? Does your child have sup- port at school? If yes, our Leisure Buddy program may be able to provide support to your child/ youth. Please contact the Adaptive & Inclusive Program Supervisor to discuss how we can best support you in our programs. Thank you to the CVRD for their ongoing support that allows us to offer afford - able programming options for inclusion in Courtenay Recreation programs. Join in the latest craze as you cre- ate your very own functional craft projects, clothing, home décor, jewelry and more! Bring your en- ergy and get ready to create! #9212 Wednesdays January 19 - February 23 3:30 - 5:30 pm Lewis Salish Building $70/6 T-SHIRT ART (7 - 12 years) Start 2022 off in style with some special designed-by-you shirts! We’ll try our hand at different tie- dye techniques, iron-on transfers, t-shirt paint and more! #9213 Tuesdays March 1 - 15 4:00 - 5:15 pm Lewis Salish Building $45/3 DIY PROJECTS (9 - 12 years)

CHALLENGER BASEBALL 5 - 11 YEARS Challenger Baseball is an adap- tive baseball program specifically designed to empower children, youth and adults living with phys- ical and/or cognitive disabilities. This program is in partnership with the Jays Care Foundation and we greatly appreciate their sup- port in our community. No Class February 21 . #8973 Mondays January 17 - March 14

CHALLENGER BASEBALL 12 - 18 YEARS Challenger Baseball is an adap- tive baseball program specifically designed to empower children, youth and adults living with phys- ical and/or cognitive disabilities. This program is in partnership with the Jays Care Foundation and we greatly appreciate their sup- port in our community. #8972 Wednesdays January 19 - March 16

4:00 - 5:00 pm Lewis MP Hall $22.50/9

4:00 - 4:45 pm Lewis MP Hall $20/8




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