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Sports PICKLEBALL (16 years & over)
BADMINTON (16 years & over)
WOO KIM TAEKWONDO ADULT (13 years & over) This fast-paced program is de- signed to give participant a full body workout all while building a new skill. Taekwondo is a Korean martial art and a recognized Olym- pic sport. Known for it’s dynamic, powerful kicks Taekwondo is a rewarding outlet for everyone. Im- prove strength, endurance, coordi- nation, flexibility and balance skills all while reaching new heights of self confidence. Sanctioned by the BC and Canadian Taekwondo fed- erations. Taught by 4th Dan Black Belt Richard Dobbs #8878 Tuesdays & Thursdays January 6 - March 17 6:40 - 7:40 pm Native Sons Grand Hall $241/21
EVENING TAI CHI The slow, fluid movements of Tai Chi reduce tension and stress, improve balance, coordination, and concentration, as well as mus- cle resiliency and joint flexibility. Tai Chi helps to increase energy and provides an overall sense of well-being. Instructor: Albert Balbon #8857 Thursdays January 13 - March 31 The movements come from the core and expand through the mo- tions helping to increase muscle strength, flexibility and a sense of well-being. Breathe in vital energy and exhale tension and stress, as you discover nature’s way of cor- recting posture and alignment. No class February 21. Instructor: Keith Beldam #9146 Mondays January 10 - March 21 6:00 - 7:00 pm Filberg Rotary Hall $80/10 Drop in and get some exercise with our Recreational drop in Badminton. Meet new players and improve your game in this fast paced group sport! Bring your own racquets, birdies are provided. Participants set up equipment. No class February 21. #8977 Mondays January 10 - March 14 1:00 - 3:00 pm #8978 Thursdays January 13 - March 17 1:00 - 3:00 pm Lewis Centre Gym $4/Drop-in QI GONG Qi Gong is an ancient healing art that combines flowing movements and breath aiding in overall health.
Join in and have fun playing this exciting paddle game! Like a mini tennis game, Pickleball is played by 2 or 4 people on a badminton sized court using wood paddle racquets and a plastic style base- ball. Spot must be pre-reserved as location is offsite. Registration can be done via phone, in person or online. Equipment will be available for use, but please bring your own racquet. #8975 Tuesdays January 11 - March 29 1:00 - 3:00 pm #8976 Thursdays January 13 - March 31 1:00 - 3:00 pm Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) is primarily a grappling martial art that focuses on ground control. This BJJ class is structured and run for new students and beginners. Basic concepts of positions, escapes and submissions will be covered. Different elements of BJJ training can be used for sport or self-de- fense and is a fantastic method for building physical fitness and developing character. Instructor: Richard Dobbs #8879 Tuesdays & Thursdays January 6 - March 17 7:50 - 9:00 pm Native Sons Grand Hall $252/21 Native Sons Grand Hall $4/pre-reserved drop-in BEGINNER JIU JITSU FUNDAMENTALS (13 years & over)
This symbol means proof of vaccination upon registration or entry.
7:15 - 8:15 pm Lewis MP Hall $96/12
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