courtenay rec pages with hyperlinks

BIRTHDAY PARTIES AT THE LINC (8 - 18 years) Register for an original birthday package. We organize the games, provide supervision, and clean up! Choose from a variety of themes: Dodgeball, Skatepark, General, Games Room, or Make & Take. Or combine themes to make a party all your own! Host parent must be present. Maximum 12 participants. Saturdays starting January 8 12:30 am - 2:30 pm or Sundays Starting January 9

12:30 - 2:30 pm or 3:00 - 5:00 pm $110 or $150 with 3 large pizzas $152 Make & Take (Choose 1: Slime, Tie-Dye, Bath Salts) $192 Make & Take with 3 large pizzas

School’s Out LEADERS IN TRAINING (12 - 17 years) Have fun, get involved, gain work experience and build your re -

SK8 SCOOT SNOW (7 - 12 years)

SK8 SCOOT SPLASH (7 - 12 years) Gear up for a great spring break! Ride your skateboard or scooter and get tips and tricks from our skatepark staff as you cruise the street section and bowl. Or, chal - lenge your friends to indoor and outdoor activities like dodge-ball, water play, air hockey, ping pong and more! We’ll make sure you have an action-packed week! #8938 Monday - Friday March 21 - 25 SB ART ATTACK & SPLASH (9 - 15 years) Let’s dive into your artistic side this spring! Experiment with dif - ferent paints, pastels and messy art fun each day as you complete cool, independent projects that will get your creative juices flow - ing. We’ll break up the days with activities that get you out into nature, and keep cool this week! #8940 Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm LINC Youth Centre $175/5

It’s time to change up your winter break routine! Ride your skate - board or scooter and get tips and tricks from our skatepark staff as you cruise the street section and bowl. Or, challenge your friends to indoor and outdoor activities like dodge-ball, air hockey, games, experiments and more! We’ll make sure you have an action-packed week! #8398 Monday - Thursday


sume as you become an awesome leader! You’ll learn to lead games and activities to help to prepare with volunteering with children’s camps. We’ll also cover behaviour management, leadership and teamwork skills. Then as a volun - teer in children’s programs you can be mentored while testing out your new skills. #8939 Monday - Friday March 21 - 25 Test your cooking skills and invent tasty dishes! Each day your team is given a basket of surprise food items that must be incorporated to create a soup, salad, appetiz - er, entree or dessert. You will be scored on a variety of criteria. Will you be part of the winning team? Prizes included! #8941 Monday - Friday March 28 - April 1 12:30 - 4:00 pm LINC Youth Centre $155/5 SB SB 10:00 am - 4:00 pm LINC Youth Centre $99/5 CHOPPED (9 - 15 years)

December 20 - 23 9:00 am - 4:00pm LINC Youth Centre $129/4

CAKE & CELEBRATE (8 - 13 years)

Let’s celebrate the new year! Each day we will make a different kind of cake. We will then play games, do puzzles, and complete chal - lenges to bring in your new year with a bang! #8555 Wednesday & Thursday

December 29 & 30 9:00 am - 4:00 pm LINC Youth Centre $70/2


March 28 - April 1 9:00 am - 4:00 pm LINC Youth Centre $175/5

Look for this symbol for Spring Break programs



COURTENAY RECREATION | 250-338-5371 | 250-338-1000 |

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