Winter 2023 Guide Courtenay pages


Courtenay Recreation Table of Contents

A new accessible outdoor play space at Cozy Corner


Preschool at the Lewis Centre is now complete. With financial assistance from the Employment and Social Development Canada Enabling Accessibility Fund, the playground offers kids two to five years old with age-appropriate and accessible equipment and activities, and most importantly, fun! While the playground will be reserved for preschool participants when in session, after hours and on weekends the playground is open to all. We’re really proud of how it turned out and hope local kids will like it too. For more information on Cozy Corner Preschool visit


Facilities Cozy Corner Preschool..............31 Squash.........................................67 Registration................................79 The LINC Youth Centre..............49 Wellness Centre.........................68 Lewis Centre Facility Rentals....82 Filberg Centre & Native Sons Hall Facility Rentals..........83 Courtenay Parks........................84 Culture Groups..........................86

Early Years (Preschool) ............. 32 Children’s Programs................ 37 Youth Programs....................... 49 Adult Programs........................ 57 Active Living. ........................... 68 Wellness Centre....................... 68 Fitness....................................... 72 Evergreen Club. ....................... 80 Adapted Programs Adapted Programs for Adults with Disabilities.............54

Bob Wells

Program Registration 250-338-5371 or 250-338-1000

Register online at:


COURTENAY RECREATION | 250-338-5371 | 250-338-1000 |

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