Winter 2023 Guide Courtenay pages


BEGINNERS AFRICAN DRUMMING Drumming in community is good for your physical and mental health. This class is for those new to drumming or not ready to move beyond the beginner level. Please bring your own drum or contact the instructor if unsure. Instructor: Sarah Gibson #11025 Fridays January 13 - March 17 1:30 - 2:30 pm Native Sons Grand Hall $140/10 Are you looking to continue to improve your piano skills? These small group classes are for partic ipants with some experience that would like to study the basics of music and grow their skills! The first book is $35 and a piano or keyboard is recommended for practicing at home. Instructor: Debbie Ross #11063 Wednesdays January 4 - March 22 2:00 - 3:00 pm Lewis Craft Room B $192/12 PIANO BEYOND BEGINNERS (55 years & over)

BEGINNER’S BLUES HARMONICA The harmonica is a versatile instrument that can be heard in music ranging from folk and country to jazz and rock, but the harmonica is truly at home with the blues. No previous musical ex perience is necessary. Please bring a ‘c’ harmonica. Instructor: Larry Ayre #11024 Thursdays March 2 - April 6 1:00 - 2:00 pm Lewis Craft Room B $75/6 mind, body and spirit! This class is intended for those with previous experience. Instructor: Monica Hofer #11042 Fridays January 13 - March 31 12:00 - 1:00 pm Native Sons Grand Hall $168/12 INTERMEDIATE AFRICAN DRUMMING Join our local hand drumming in structor and drum circle facilitator and get into your weekly groove. New rhythms taught every week; opportunities to work on djembe and bass drums. Great for the


This course teaches you how to get started with finger-picking the guitar. Musical examples and ex ercises draw on finger-picking folk and blues styles as well as begin ner classical pieces. Both simple note reading and tablature are covered with step by step instruc tions. Suitable for both beginner and intermediate level guitarists. Instructor: Larry Ayre #11069 Thursdays March 2 - April 6 2:15 - 3:30 pm Lewis Craft Room B $75/6 PIANO BEGINNERS (55 years & over) Music makes your brain work better! Here’s your chance to learn your favourite songs. These small group classes study the basics of music, then choose more! The first book costs $35 and a piano or keyboard is recommended for practicing at home. Instructor: Debbie Ross #11062 Wednesdays January 4 - March 22 12:30 - 1:30 pm Lewis Craft Room B $192/12


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