Summer Program Flyer
Registered Drop-in Fitness
Cardio Chaos+ Butts& Gutts
6:00 am
Core& Sculpt+ 9:15am
Flow Yoga+
BootCamp Blast+
BootCamp Blast+
Zumba w/Milena
9:00 am
BUTTS & GUTTS Core and Glutes Galore! This fast and effec - tive strengthening and toning workout is taught so any level can participate. Quality of the workout will be the main focus, so control and technique are key components of this class! Instructor: Nancy Victoria July 20 - August 31 No class August 3 ZUMBA W/ MILENA This Latin infused dance class will burn tons of calories and make you sweat. You will shimmy, shake, and pump your chest in this one-hour fun class where you will work hard and smile your way through. You’ll expe - rience Bollywood, Belly Dance, Meringue, Salsa, Reggaeton, and more!! Instructor: Milena Spratt July 29 - September 2 FLOW YOGA Enjoy a Hatha style class that flows through movement and breath designed to help you connect with your body. Stretch out any kinks, improve your flexibility and tone your muscles under the gentle guidance of Daiana Gama. Suitable for those with experience in Sun Salu - tations. Instructor: Daiana Gama July 24 - September 4 CORE & SCULPT This is a 75 minute fitness class that will get you ready for the warm summer months and the beach! Using a mix of cardio, strength and abdominal training you’ll feel great in no time. Instructor: Luis Acosta July 25 - August 29 No class August 1
CARDIO CHAOS Get ready for a fun, high energy mix of cardio, strength and core. Led by your fun and knowl - edgeable instructors, you’ll start your week off by improving your overall strength, focusing on sculpting your core and improving your cardio with a variety of exercises! Instructor: Tammy Jones/ Signi Caine July 27 - August 31 No class August 3 CHISELED This hour long, high rep, low weight class, mixed in with anaerobic cardio throughout is guaranteed to help speed up your metabo - lism! Instructor: Nancy Victoria July 22 - September 2 BOOTCAMP BLAST In this sweaty bootcamp workout you’ll get your butt kicked with a mix of equipment based and bodyweight only exercises. This dynamic class combines cardio, functional training and conditioning exercises. It’s all about working hard, facing a challenge and getting results! Get ready to blast every part of your body! Instructor: Steve Thomson
Tuesdays July 21 - September 1 Thursdays July 23 - September 3
ClassLevels Beginner/Intermediate Intermediate/Challenging Challenging +75minuteclass $6.50/registeredDrop-in all classes are outdoors at the Lewis Centre and may be subject to change or weather permitting
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