Spring Courtenay pages with hyperlinks
YOGA FOR MEN OVER 55 (55 years & over) You’ve seen the pictures of women in pretzel poses, and you’ve thought, “no Yoga for me, thanks”. This class is just for men over 55 who might be new to Yoga. You’ll work on increas ing your flexibility and learn some breathing techniques to help you reduce stress. As the weeks progress, you might find that you’re less prone to inju ries at work or during leisure, and that you recover faster from exertion. No class April 10 & May 22. Instructor: Catherine Reid #11491 Mondays April 3 - June 26 7:15 - 8:30 pm Lewis MP Hall A $138/11 pare your body for the growing season, and teach you ways to tend your body while tending your garden. No class April 10 & May 22. Instructor: Catherine Reid #11492 Mondays April 3 - June 26 5:30 - 6:45 pm Lewis Meeting Room $138/11 YOGA FOR GARDENERS (50 years & over) As soon as the weather warms up a bit, us gardeners can’t wait to play in the dirt. But how do you feel the next day? Sore back? Creaky hips? Yoga can help. This class will help pre
YIN/RESTORATIVE YOGA Both of these styles of Yoga are quiet, floor-based practices. Both provide deep benefits to your body and require a willing ness to pause and breathe - in stillness. Yin Yoga stimulates harder tissues in the body, and can sometimes create strong sensations for you to navigate, Restorative Yoga is just deeply relaxing. In this series, we will alternative between them: one week will be Yin, the next week will be Restorative - the best of both worlds. Prerequisite: at least one year of yoga experi ence. Instructor: Catherine Reid #11490 Fridays
MOM & BABY YOGA This class provides an opportu nity to bond with your baby as you regain strength, flexibility and balance while connecting with other moms and shar ing your experience. Open to babies six weeks until crawling. Instructor: Akiko Shima #11486 Wednesdays April 26 - June 28 3:00 - 4:00 pm Lewis Meeting Room $110/10 PRENATAL YOGA Going through many changes during pregnancy, prenatal yoga will help you to adjust, strengthen, stretch and relax your body. It is a great way to connect to your body, breath, mind and baby. The class will be lead by a certified birth Doula. All levels welcome. Instructor: Akiko Shima #11488 Wednesdays April 26 - June 28 6:30 - 7:45 pm Lewis Meeting Room $125/10
April 14 - June 23 10:15 - 11:45 am Native Sons Lower Level $154/11
See page 103 for Yoga Fusion and Flow Yoga with Susan.
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