Official Community Plan



Much of the OCP's implementation will occur through new development and redevelopment by the private and non-profit sectors. Proponents of development are responsible for clearly demonstrating how their proposals meet the objectives and vision of the OCP through the submission of required information. The City in turn is responsible for comprehensively and credibly evaluating how development proposals facilitate the realization of this Plan and for providing feedback to applicants where applications need improvements. The City recognizes that such analysis cannot be selective in referencing elements of this Plan, and must comprehensively consider the OCP’s vision and goals. This includes the four cardinal directions, greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets, and applicable policies, as well as relevant development regulations such as the Zoning and Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaws. The City will continuously improve the development approval process to provide effective customer-oriented services.

To assist applicants in navigating the land development process, the City will create educational and customer service support tools to assist private and non profit development in the preparation of development proposals that meet the City’s requirements and expectations. To support clarity of the City’s development requirements and expectations, three development application tools are included in the OCP: a. Development Approval Information Areas, b. Community Amenity Contribution Policy, and c. Development Permit Area Designations. Other development application requirements are included in complementary land development bylaws.

City of Courtenay Official Community Plan

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