Official Community Plan


Objective 5 Innovation in building performance, accessibility, and construction waste diversion is encouraged


BL 13

Encourage the adaptive reuse of buildings and building materials through permitting and planning processes to help reduce construction waste generation. Support amendments or variances to the Zoning Bylaw , Building Bylaw, or Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw when presented with development applications that: • Exceed minimum universal accessibility requirements; • Include sustainable building practices that use low-carbon, renewable materials, and achieve self-sufficiency in energy, water and wastewater, wherever such opportunities are presented by building design professionals and meet the BC Building Code requirements.

BL 14

Objective 6 Municipal buildings and site design demonstrate leadership in building performance, accessibility, and design


BL 15

Provide leadership with municipal buildings and site design including opportunities for demonstration and education of carbon neutral, Indigenous-informed, environmentally sensitive and high-quality urban design. Build all new municipal buildings to emerging best practices in energy efficiency and net-zero emission standards, universal accessibility, and follow integrated Development Permit Area guidelines for form and character, and energy and water conservation. This means: a Meet 100% of energy demand through electrical means. Do not permit combustion heating and electrical systems including oil, natural gas, and wood unless for public emergency command centre purposes. b Incorporate high energy efficiency and zero-carbon building emissions designs and technologies such as passive design, green roofs, renewable energy generation, low-impact rainwater management, biodiverse landscaping, non-toxic and low embodied carbon building materials. Conduct a portfolio-wide energy audit and develop a retrofitting plan for all municipally owned buildings, in alignment with asset management and strategic financial plans. Review the retrofitting plan every five years to evaluate progress and make necessary adjustments to meet high energy efficiency and net-zero emissions targets.

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BL 17

City of Courtenay Official Community Plan

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