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Basketball Skills & Games Camp (9 - 11 years) If you love basketball as much as we do don’t miss your shot on joining this camp. We will work on basic ball handling, pass ing, shooting and many more VSRUW VSHFLȴF VNLOOV LQ WKLV DOO day program. Then you will get the chance to put those skills into play through scrimmages and games! Don’t worry, we will take lots of breaks to enjoy the summer as well. Monday - Friday #15927 July 14 - 18 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Lewis MP Hall $225/5 Woo Kim Taekwondo Summer Camp (7 - 12 years) Whether you are new to martial arts or a veteran of the club, you are going to love coming to Taekwondo camp! Learn and practice kicking, punching, and self-defense. Parents will love their kids learning about the “Tenets of Taekwondo”; cour tesy, integrity, perseverance, self-control, indomitable spirit. We’ll keep you busy with games, sports, crafts and daily pool time! No camp August 4. Monday - Friday
Courtenay Summer Daycamps
Sports & More
Archery Camp (7 - 12 years)
Soccer Skillz (6 - 11 years)
Learn the basics of using a bow and arrow while having fun play ing lots of games in this camp! Challenge yourself as you develop co-ordination, strength, a sharp eye, listening skills and more. We will take the fun of camp and mix LW ZLWK VSHFLȴF VNLOO EXLOGLQJ IRU D whole day of fun and take a dip in the Outdoor Pool. Don’t miss out! No camp August 4. Monday - Friday #15917 July 7 - 11 (7 - 9 years) Tuesday - Friday #15918 August 5 - 8 * (10 - 12 years) 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Lewis MP Hall $225/5 $180/4 *
This immersive soccer skills camp will help players of all OHYHOV UHȴQH WHFKQLTXHV HQ hance ball control, and master footwork. Coaches lead dynamic drills, fostering agility, and team building. Don’t forget your swim suit to enjoy the pool or other water games after a morning of hard work and play. Monday - Friday #16513 July 7 - 11 (9 - 11 years) #16514 July 21 - 25 (6 - 8 years) 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Lewis Park Totem Poles $225/5
#15874 July 7 - 11 #15875 July 21 - 25 #15876 August 5 - 8 * #15877 August 18 - 22
Silly Sports (K- 9 years)
9:00 am - 4:00 pm Lewis Salish Building $240/5 $195/4 *
Dodgeball, Snake Baseball - it’s time to put a silly spin on your fa vourite sport! Let’s get your heart pumping while playing tag games, relays and staying cool with new friends. Prepare for some silly fun that will get you moving, using a variety of equipment and building on your skills. Monday - Friday
Register ONLINE at courtenay.ca/reconline For updates & schedule changes, go to www.courtenay.ca/rec
#16584 July 28 - August 1 (K - 7 years) #16585 August 18 - 22 (7 - 9 years) 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Lewis MP Hall $225/5
Courtenay Recreation | 250-338-5371 | 250-338-1000 | courtenay.ca/rec
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