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Tot Tumblers & Trampoline
Intro to Gymnastics (3 - 5 years) Run, jump, land, climb, rotate and swing. Our knowledgeable, SOD\IXO IULHQGO\ VWD ZLOO FRQQHFW you to a lifetime of learning and physical activity. Complimentary skills include working with your parent as an instructor leads you through individual basic skill, moving safely around the gym. Your child can be ready to work independently or work towards independence. Parent participation as needed. No class April 21 or May 19 . #15444 Mondays April 7 - June 16 1:30 - 2:30 pm Vern Nichols Gym $164/9 (2 years & under w/ an adult) 7DNH WKRVH ȴUVW OLWWOH VWHSV LQWR organized gymnastics, guided by your fun and knowledgeable J\PQDVWLFV VWD Courtenay Early Years Gymnastics Kindergym & Trampoline (3 - 5 years) Ninja Kids (3 - 5 years) Get those heart rates up in this fun, parkour-style class using the J\PQDVWLFV HTXLSPHQW 2XU VWD will have your active child run ning, climbing, crawling, rolling and exploring new movements through a wide range of activi ties while making new friends! No class April 21 or May 19 . #15446 Mondays Get ready for fun as you learn, take turns and work with your group as we practice move ments, play games, run, roll, climb, jump and explore the gymnastic equipment and tram poline! This class could help you realize your love for gymnastics and trampoline and help focus some of your energy. #15445 Tuesdays April 8 - June 17 1:00 - 2:00 pm Vern Nichols Gym $199/11 April 7 - June 16 12:15 - 1:15 pm Vern Nichols Gym $164/9 Family Gymnastics (all-ages [except where noted] w/ an adult) Get ready to run, jump, swing, bounce and play together as you explore the best indoor playground around! During our Monday timeslot we’ve created a sensory-friendly environment, with lower lights, no music and stream-lined equipment. Adult participation required. No class April 21 or May 19. Saturdays April 5 - June 14 #15688 9:00 - 10:00 am (5 years & under) #15689 11:30 am - 12:30 pm Vern Nichols Gym $6.50/drop-in Mondays April 7 - June 16 #15691 11:00 - 12:00 (sensory-friendly) Tuesdays April 8 - June 17 #15692 11:30 am - 12:30 pm Vern Nichols Gym $6.50/drop-in Look for this symbol throughout Courtenay Rec pages for programs that incorporate Physical Literacy. Courtenay Recreation | 250-338-5371 | 250-338-1000 | courtenay.ca/rec 66
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