Full guide with cover.pdf

Special Interest

Courtenay Early Years

Budding Bakers (3 - 5 years)

Mini Chefs (3 - 5 years)

Kooky Cooking (3 - 5 years)

:KLVN PL[ DQG ȵLS XS VRPH IXQ while you bake a fun treat each week. Children will make a sweet or savory snack, while learning to safely roll, grate, pat, mix and spread. Experience cooking with all 5 senses, especially taste! Instructor: Anna-Maria #15548 Fridays

Our chefs in training will learn the basics of food and nutri tion in this course designed for young children. They will learn to prepare yummy treats and nutritious snacks in a safe envi ronment. Instructor: Anna-Maria #15552 Tuesdays

Preschoolers will get started in the kitchen with this fun inter active class. From kitchen safety to measuring and mixing in gredients and of course, lots of eating, our classes are designed to fostering a love of cooking! No class April 18. Instructor: Anna-Maria #15551 Fridays Messy Masterpieces (3 - 5 years) A fun atmosphere for young FKLOGUHQ WR H[SORUH PDQ\ GL΍HU ent ways of creating art. They will progress their creativity and experience innovative ideas to create masterpieces. Be sure to wear clothes that can get messy. #16450 Thursdays April 4 - May 9 12:00 - 1:30 pm Lewis Craft Room A $75/5

May 16 - June 13 12:00 - 1:30 pm Lewis Craft Room A $75/5

April 8 - May 13 12:00 - 1:30 pm Lewis Craft Room B $85/6

Nature Detectives (3 - 5 years) Get outside and learn about the nature around you! It’s time to take curious kids outside to hop on the trails and explore. They will spend time exploring bugs, birds, animals and plants, play LQJ GL΍HUHQW JDPHV DQG PDNLQJ nature crafts! #15827 Wednesdays May 14 - June 18 10:30 am - 12:00 pm Lewis Salish Building $60/6 Parent & Tot Explore with Me (1 month - 3 years w/ adult) This program will encourage parents and young children to socialize, play and share expe riences together. You will help introduce your child to creative play, by increasing their explo ration skills through the sensory materials provided. Come pre pared to play! #15851 Wednesdays April 2 - 16 9:30 - 10:30 am Lewis Craft Room B $25/3

Plan Ahead! Spring & Summer programs are now featured in one guide, giving you early access for planning summer activities! Spring registration starts March 10. Summer registration starts April 28 . Look for ORANGE activity codes for summer registration. Check out the inside front page for more details on this change. See pages 88 - 90 for Early Years Summer Mini Camps.

April 10 - May 8 9:30 - 11:00 am Lewis Craft Room B $65/5

Spring Program Registration starts Monday March 10 Summer Program Registration starts Monday April 28

See page 135


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