Full guide with cover.pdf

Registration Policies

Accessible Recreation & Funding Opportunities The Comox Community Centre has the following programs and services to ensure accessibility of recreation for everyone. TRIP Program Free and low cost recreation opportunities for Comox residents on limited income. LEAP This regional program grants 52 drop-ins at each municipal recreation facility including the Community Centre Fitness Studio and other drop-in programs; space permitting. Jumpstart and Kidsport Financial assistance available for children and youth in eligible activities. For more information on accessible recreation contact the Comox Community Centre at 250-339-2255 or visit comox.ca/accessible-rec

Classes cancelled by Comox Recreation: • Full or pro-rated refund as appropriate. Customer withdrawal from Comox Recreation programs: • Full or pro-rated refund as appropriate. • :LWKGUDZDO ʳYH RU PRUH GD\V SULRU WR SURJUDP VWDUW GDWH full refund, no penalty. • /HVV WKDQ ʳYH GD\V SULRU WR SURJUDP VWDUW GDWH IXOO UHIXQG GST administration fee charged per program. • After a program has begun, pro-rated refund based on the date of withdrawal; $8 + GST administration fee charged per program. • )XOO RU SUR UDWHG UHIXQG DV DSSURSULDWH ZLWK D GRFWRUʤV QRWH no penalty. • No refunds issued after a program has ended. • Registrations taken in person, by phone and online. • Fees are paid in full at the time of registration by cash, cheque, debit, credit card, or Quality Foods Rec Bucks. • Comox Recreation reserves the right to make cancellations or changes as necessary. • GST charged to all programs with participants 14 years and older. • NSF cheque charge is $15 + GST. Program titles that end with “- C” are offered by independent contractors. Registration and refund policies are at their discretion. Refunds subject to $8 + GST administration fee per registration. Refund Policies

Comox Registration & Refunds

Come Work With Us!

Fitness Studio Membership Policies

The Community Centre is hiring talented, enthusiastic and dedicated instructors to deliver recreation programs. Bring us your program ideas and let’s discuss how you can Work With Us!

• Fees paid in full at time of purchase. • Fitness memberships are not transferable.

• Annual memberships may be suspended once during the term of membership (minimum of one month/maximum of WKUHH PRQWKV IRU PHGLFDO UHDVRQV ZLWK D GRFWRUʤV QRWH RU LI membership holder leaves town). • Three and six month memberships suspended for medical UHDVRQV ZLWK D GRFWRUʤV QRWH • Membership suspensions must be made in person.

Contact Justin Wolfe at jwolfe@comox.ca for more information.


COMOX RECREATION | 250-339-2255 | comox.ca/recreation

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