Full guide with cover.pdf
SEA School of Acting - Theatre Camp - C 10 - 15 years Step into the world of acting! Led by a professional actor/screenwriter, this program develops your acting skills and brings creativity to life. Instructor: Stephen Arthur Location: MP Hall Mon - Fri | 12:30 - 4:30 pm Rising Stars of Stage Embody unique characters on stage through games and improv, building FRQʳGHQFH WR SHUIRUP LQ D G\QDPLF group showcase. #17844 | Jul 21 - 25 | $225 Future Stars of the Silver Screen Dive into acting for the camera and create your own mini-showreel to take home and share. #17845 | Aug 11 - 15 | $225 Performing Arts in the Park Rehearse and perform a play in the stunning Filberg Amphitheatre, EXLOGLQJ FRQʳGHQFH DQG FUHDWLYLW\ in a unique outdoor setting. Location: Stage at Filberg Park Mon - Fri | 12:30 - 4:30 pm #17846 | Aug 18 - 22 | $225 Video Game Design and Science - C 7 - 10 years Come and join our LITTLUNIVERSE for an exciting week of programming and science! Using Gamemaker, participants will create their very own 2D Platformer game! Their games will have different types of enemies to defeat, background music, items to collect, elements such as ladders and doors, and MORE! Take the game home at the end of the week! Instructor: LITTLUNIVERSE Location: Room A
Animation & Cartooning - C 7 - 12 years Bring your ideas to life with
Summer Camp cont’d Sculpture for Kids - C 7 - 12 years In this fun class students learn to create 3D art using a variety of materials including clay, wire, found materials and paper. Instructor: Tish Doyle-Morrow Location: Marina Park Genoa Mon - Fri | 8:45 am - 12:00 pm #17831 | Jul 21 - 25 | $225 Drawing and Printmaking - C 11 - 15 years Love to draw and experiment with mark making? Explore your creativity using a variety of materials and techniques. Instructor: Tish Doyle-Morrow Location: Marina Park Genoa Mon - Thu | 9:00 am - 12:00 pm #17857 | Jul 28 - 31 | $225 Advanced Acrylic Painting for Teens - C 11 - 15 years Get ready to explore painting in a fun and creative environment! Bring in images that inspire you, and experiment with colors and techniques. Instructor: Tish Doyle-Morrow Location: Marina Park Genoa Mon - Thu | 1:30 - 3:30 pm #17858 | Jul 28 - 31 | $225
animation and cartooning projects! Experience storytelling in a new and exciting way. Instructor: Tish Doyle-Morrow Location: Marina Park Genoa Full Day Explore cartooning and animation! Students are required to bring a device (iPad or smartphone) on Thursday and Friday with the Stopmotion Studio app downloaded Each participant develops unique characters and will create a cartoon book/graphic novel to bring home. Mon - Fri | 8:45 am - 12:00 pm #17829 | Jul 14 - 18 | $225 Afternoon Animation Create two different storylines Device with Stopmotion Studio required. Mon - Fri | 12:30 - 3:00 pm #17830 | Jul 14 - 18 | $220 Tish’s Art Camps: All materials supplied. Please bring a nut-free Mon - Fri | 8:45 am - 3:00 pm #17828 | Jul 14 - 18 | $450 Morning Cartooning
Comox Summer Camps
snack and lunch. Movement breaks at the park are incorporated throughout the day. See contractor refund policy at online class listings. You must register your child(ren) into the 2025 Day Camp Form #16998 before enrolling in summer camps.
Mon - Fri | 9:00 am - 4:00 pm #17724 | Jul 14 - 18 | $435 #17727 | Jul 21 - 25 | $435
COMOX RECREATION | 250-339-2255 | comox.ca/recreation
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