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Taekwondo Camp - C 7 - 12 years

Whether you’re new to martial arts or a veteran of the club, you’ll enjoy learning and practicing kicking, punching, and self-defense. Kids will engage with and grow through the “Tenets of Taekwondo” (Courtesy, Integrity, Perseverance, Self-Control, Indomitable Spirit) while enjoying games, sports, and crafts. Instructor: Louis Payne Location: Room C Mon - Fri | 9:00 am - 4:00 pm #17753 | Jul 28 - Aug 1 | $249 #17755 | Aug 11 - 15 | $249 #17756 | Aug 25 - 29 | $249 Soccertron Soccertots - C 3 - 5 years Welcome to Soccertots! During each session there are themed skills that the coaches target for development. We ensure that these skills are taught correctly so as to form a foundation for future growth. As always, our staff believe that fun is the most important part of FUNdamentals! Instructor: Soccertron Coaches Location: Village Park 3 - 4 years Mon - Fri | 9:30 - 10:30 am *Mon, Wed - Fri | 9:30 - 10:30 am #17750 _ -XQ -XO _ #17749 | Jul 21 - 25 | $107 #17748 | Aug 25 - 29 | $107 4 - 5 years Mon - Fri | 10:45 - 11:45 am *Mon, Wed - Fri | 10:45 - 11:45 am #17752 _ -XQ -XO _

En Garde - Explore Fencing Camp 8 - 10 years Leap into one of the original European martial arts. Fence for fun DQG ʳWQHVV ZKLOH PDNLQJ IULHQGV in a beginner friendly environment. This dynamic form of ancient combat teaches skill, strategy and LPSURYHV ʳWQHVV $OO HTXLSPHQW LV provided including fencing masks, and protective jackets. Program not suitable for those with previous experience as it is designed for new fencers and is limited in size. Instructor: Bill Harrower Location: Gym B Fencing in Action Camp 8 - 14 years Have you tried fencing and are ready to take your skills to the next OHYHO" 6KDUSHQ \RXU VNLOOV UHʳQH your technique and enhance your strategy in a fun and supportive environment. This program is perfect for fencers with some experience who want to further develop their skills. Instructor: Bill Harrower Location: Gym B Mon - Fri | 1:00 - 3:00 pm #17760 | Jul 7-11 | $90

Summer Camp cont’d Musical Theatre Camp 5 - 12 years Everyone has a place on stage! %XLOG FRQʳGHQFH DQG QHZ VNLOOV through song and dance and create memories with new friends that will ODVW EH\RQG WKH ȣʳQDO FXUWDLQ FDOO Ȥ The cast will play age-appropriate theatre games, learn lines, songs and choreographed scenes to a classic musical. Family and friends can watch the cast perform the last day of camp. Note this camp is two weeks. Instructor: Genevieve Marshall Location: MP Hall Ready to level up your leadership skills? Learn how to lead games, engage younger campers, build teamwork, and communicate effectively—all while having fun! Gain real-life experience supporting Summer Camp and make a positive impact as a volunteer. Don’t miss the chance to grow and inspire! Instructor: Camp Coordinator Location: Room B Mon - Fri | 1:00 - 3:00 pm #17902 | Jul 28 - Aug 1 | $59 + gst Mon - Fri | 1:00 - 3:00 pm #17847 | Jul 7-18 | $199 Leader in Training - Youth Camp 13 - 17 years

Comox Summer Camps

#17754 | Jul 21 - 25 | $107 #17751 | Aug 25 - 29 | $107

You must register your child(ren) into the 2025 Day Camp Form #16998 before enrolling in summer camps.

Mon - Fri | 1:00 - 3:00 pm #17761 | Jul 14 - 18 | $90


COMOX RECREATION | 250-339-2255 | comox.ca/recreation

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