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Volunteer Ready! Summer Camp Volunteer Orientation 12 - 17 years Complete your required volunteer hours towards graduation! Take your leadership to the next level and gain invaluable volunteer experience during our children’s summer day camps. Participation in an orientation is mandatory before helping in camp. Location: Room B Mon | 1:00 - 2:30 pm #17836 | Jun 30 | FREE! Wondering when it’s safe to leave your child at home alone before or after school or while you run errands? This empowering session KHOSV \RXU FKLOG IHHO FRQʳGHQW and prepared, teaching essential skills for home and personal safety, handling emergencies, and dealing with strangers. Instructor: Laura Arkell Location: Room A Sat | 9:00 am - 3:00 pm #17641 | Jun 7 | $90 babysitter! Upon completion of this course you will receive a &DQDGD 6DIHW\ &RXQFLO FHUWLʳFDWH DQG OHDYH IHHOLQJ FRQʳGHQW WR GHDO with challenging scenarios and emergencies that may arise while babysitting. Instructor: Laura Arkell Location: Room A Home Alone - C 9 - 12 years Babysitter Basics - C 11 - 17 years Learn to be a responsible
Drawing, Painting and Sculpture - C 7 - 14 years Budding artists can try different art techniques while learning about composition and famous artists and will be encouraged to think about the world around them and how to add story and meaning to their art. All projects are unique, combining various skills and mediums to create personalized works of art. Materials supplied. Instructor: Tish Doyle-Morrow Location: Room A Tue | 3:30 - 5:00 pm #17823 | Apr 22 - Jun 17 | $275 Location: Marina Park Genoa Wed | 3:30 - 5:00 pm #17824 | Apr 23 - Jun 18 | $275 Advancing Art for Teens - C 12 - 16 years This small and dynamic studio class encourages you to develop work based on your interests. Experiment with materials while further learning about the principles and elements of art. Create larger acrylic canvases, in depth drawings, sculptures and printmaking. New projects are offered throughout and you will be introduced to a variety of contemporary and historical artists to draw inspiration from. Materials provided. Instructor: Tish Doyle-Morrow Location: Marina Park Genoa Wed | 6:30 - 8:15 pm #17825 | Apr 23 - Jun 18 | $275
Balanced Kids Yoga - C 6 - 11 years Get ready for yoga games, songs, mindfulness, asanas (poses), breathing practices, and tons of fun! Emily will help you go from being a silly monkey to discovering how yoga and meditation can bring peace and help manage your emotions and energy. Embrace feeling strong and calm! Instructor: Emily Bailey Location: Room B Thu | 3:45 - 4:30 pm #17797 | Apr 3 - May 8 | $90 SEA Acting for Kids - C 10 - 15 years Discover the world of acting! Learn performance techniques, FUHDWH FRQʳGHQFH DQG EXLOG \RXU communication skills through collaborative games, acting exercises & performance. Build your memorisation skills while following directions and channel all your energy into showcasing your inner superstar. Instructor: Stephen Arthur Location: MP Hall Thu | 3:30 - 5:00 pm #17673 | Apr 3 - Jun 19 | $180
Comox Children & Youth
Want to continue acting and creating this summer? Acting and Art camps on pg 39 - 40.
Sat | 9:00 am - 4:00 pm #17643 | Jun 21 | $100
See page 7
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