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Floor Hockey 7 - 11 years

Family Mother Nature’s Circle All Ages Celebrate upcoming Mother’s Day ZLWK FRPPXQLW\ UHʴHFWLRQ DQG connection. Enjoy mindful practices, craft activities, and meaningful sharing moments in a beautiful botanical garden. Celebrate all PRWKHU ʳJXUHV LQ \RXU OLIH PRWKHUV daughters, grandmothers, and more while surrounded by the joy of Mother Nature. Instructor: Serena Oliveira Location: Stage at Filberg Park Sun | 1:00 - 3:00 pm #17818 | May 4 | $10 + gst Early Years Collaborative - Parent Speaker Series All Ages Drop in to our free, one hour parenting sessions. Experts in our community will offer knowledge and tools to help you parent ZLWK PRUH FRQʳGHQFH 6WD\ WXQHG IRU VSHFLʳF WRSLFV DQG MRLQ XV Childminding is available, so bring the kids along! Location: MP Hall Tue | 5:30 - 6:30 pm #17534 | Apr 15 - May 13 | FREE! Take advantage of open gym times and drop into our facility to play a variety of sports. Equipment provided. Children under 10 years must be supervised. Location: Gym B Sun | 8:00 - 9:45 am Mon | 2:30 - 4:15 pm Drop-in | Mar 31 - Jun 29 | $3/family Wed | 3:00 - 4:15 pm Thu | 8:00 - 10:00 am Fri | 2:45 - 4:00 pm Drop-in | Apr 2 - Jun 26 | FREE! Family Open Gym All ages

Children & Youth Intergenerational Intro to Golf 5 - 13 years Golf is a sport for every age! Learn and enjoy golf alongside a grandparent through fun games and activities. Explore fundamentals like grip, stance, and swing, and get ready for fun on the mini-putt or a lifelong hobby on the greens! Equipment provided. No session May 19.

Bring your friends for some fun, fast paced after school Floor Hockey! Each session will incorporate skill building for stick handling and passing, while engaging in games and scrimmage play. No slapshots, non-contact. Eye protection provided and required. Let’s hit the ground running! No session Apr 18. Instructor: Caden Ward Location: Gym B Fri | 5:30 - 6:15 pm #17812 | Apr 4 - May 9 | $35 #17813 | May 16 - Jun 13 | $35 *HW UHDG\ IRU QRQ FRQWDFW ʴDJ rugby! Develop your skills to run, catch, and throw, all while having a blast outdoors, rain or shine. No experience needed-just bring your energy and prepare to learn and play! Please dress for weather and wear cleats or grippy running shoes for play on grass. No session May 19. Instructor: Caden Ward & Saskia Morton Location: Village Park Mon | 3:15 - 4:15 pm #17811 | Apr 28 - Jun 23 | $70 Intro to Rugby 8 - 11 years

Instructor: Caden Ward Location: Village Park

Mon | 5:00 - 6:00 pm #17810 | May 12 - Jun 16 | $35

Comox Family, Children & Youth

First Tee Intro to Golf 7 - 13 years

Golf Canada fundamental skills ZLOO SUHSDUH \RX IRU \RXU ʳUVW round at a pitch and putt or par 3 course. Practice gripping, swinging different clubs with proper stance through fun, interactive games and challenges. Beginners welcome; equipment provided. No session Apr 18. Instructor: Caden Ward Location: Gym B Fri | 4:15 - 5:15 pm #17808 | Apr 4 - May 9 | $35 #17809 | May 16 - Jun 13 | $35



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