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Beginner Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Fundamentals - C 12 years & up Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) is a martial art that focuses on self-defence WKURXJK JUDSSOLQJ JURXQG ʳJKWLQJ and submissions. This BJJ class is structured with new students and beginners in mind. Basic concepts of positional control as well as escapes and submissions will be covered. Classes will progress from partner drills to positional sparring and then to live “rolling”. Enjoy this full body workout that will help to UHOLHYH VWUHVV ERRVW FRQʳGHQFH DQG build camaraderie with training partners. No sessions Apr 21 & May 19. Instructor: Richard Dobbs Location: Gym A Mon & Wed | 7:30 - 8:40 pm #17735 | Mar 31 - Jun 18 | $276 + gst through targeted conditioning, partner target drills, boxing drills and core stability training. You’ll learn basic boxing system which is great for beginners and continues to challenge as you advance. Gloves and wraps are required and can be purchased through the instructor. No session Apr 21. Instructor: Richard Dobbs Location: Gym B Mon | 9:00 - 10:00 am #17739 | Mar 31 - May 12 | $89 + gst Woo Kim Womens Kickboxing - C 12 years & up Kickboxing is a fun and social class where you’ll work the whole body
Jr. Karate - C 7 - 13 years
Tibetan White Crane Tai Chi 16 years & up ,PSURYH DJLOLW\ ʴH[LELOLW\ DQG overall health and well-being by performing a sequence of slow and relaxed motions. The class introduces the “Needle in Cotton” form which is a treasure of the Tibetan White Crane Kung Fu system. The form is described as “peace in motion” and is a set of Qigong movements said to carry the practitioner into a healthy and long life. No sessions Apr 21 & May 19. Instructor: Tom Haber Location: Room C Mon | 2:30 - 3:30 pm #17674 |Apr 7-Jun 9 | $88 + gst
Discover the exciting world of Shito-ryu Karate! Build
FRQʳGHQFH GLVFLSOLQH EDODQFH DQG coordination while having fun with other kids in a safe, supportive environment. Learn powerful karate skills that will help you become stronger, both inside and out. No sessions Apr 21 & May 19. Instructor: Pam Ross Location: MP Hall Mon & Wed | 6:15 - 7:15 pm #17855 | Mar 31 - Jul 11 | $225 Teen & Adult Karate - C 13 years & up Embrace traditional Japanese Shito-ryu Karate to improve overall SK\VLFDO DQG PHQWDO ʳWQHVV WKURXJK body conditioning and self-defense skills. The safe and encouraging practice of karate techniques ZLOO KHOS \RX GHYHORS FRQʳGHQFH enhance concentration, and relieve stress. Discover how karate can be D SDWK WR ZHOOQHVV ʳWQHVV DQG IXQ No sessions Apr 21 & May 19. Instructor: Pam Ross Location: MP Hall Mon & Wed | 7:30 - 8:45 pm #17854 | Mar 31 - Jun 9 | $245 + gst
Comox Martial Arts
Karate classes sanctioned by Karate Canada and Karate BC with NCCP FHUWLʳHG LQVWUXFWRUV $Q DQQXDO .DUDWH BC membership fee will be collected in class.
Check out our martial arts summer camps! Fencing and Taekwondo, pg 36.
See page 7
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