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Women’s Strength & Core 16 years & up Join our small group classes tailored for you. Build strength, improve mobility, and enhance core stability with a focus on proper IRUP DQG SHOYLF ʴRRU KHDOWK (DFK session includes a personalized exercise plan. Instructor: Signi Caine Location: Gym B / MP Hall Beginner New to weight training? Learn the basics of strength training, form & function. Tue | 10:30 - 11:30 am #17617 | Apr 8 - May 13 | $120 + gst #17618 | May 20 - Jun 24 | $120 + gst Tue | 7:45 - 8:45 am #18078 | Jul 15 - Aug 19 | $120 + gst Thu | 12:00 - 1:00 pm #17630 | Apr 10 - May 15 | $120 + gst #17631 | May 22 - Jun 26 | $120 + gst Intermediate You’ve done the beginner class and #17624 | Apr 8 - May 13 | $120 + gst #17625 | May 20 - Jun 24 | $120 + gst Tue | 10:30 - 11:30 am #18080 | Jul 15 - Aug 12 | $100 + gst Wed | 7:45 - 8:45 am #17626 | Apr 9 - May 14 | $120 + gst #17627 | May 21 - Jun 25 | $120 + gst Wed | 12:00 - 1:00 pm #17628 | Apr 9 - May 14 | $120 + gst #17629 | May 21 - Jun 25 | $120 + gst Thu | 9:00 - 10:00 am #18081 | Jul 17 - Aug 21 | $120 + gst Advanced Returning participants or comfortable with strength training and more. Tue | 12:00 - 1:00 pm #17619 | Apr 8 - May 13 | $120 + gst #17620 | May 20 - Jun 24 | $120 + gst Thu | 10:45 - 11:45 am #17621 | Apr 10 - May 15 | $120 + gst #17622 | May 22 - Jun 26 | $120 + gst are ready for more. Tue | 5:15 - 6:15 pm
Women’s Strength Circuit 16 years & up Join our small group circuit training for a personalized, results-driven workout! Build strength, improve mobility, and enhance core stability with expert guidance and a focus on proper form. Enjoy a dynamic, full-body routine tailored to your ʳWQHVV OHYHO HQVXULQJ \RX VWD\ challenged, supported, and on track toward your goals. Instructor: Signi Caine Location: MP Hall Wed | 9:00 - 10:00 am #18082 | Jul 15 - Aug 12 | $120 + gst *HW WKH EHQHʳWV DQG UHVXOWV RI one on one personal training in this group strength training class. Improve your lifting form, FRQʳGHQFH ZLWK ZHLJKWV DQG increase full body strength/ PRELOLW\ ʴH[LELOLW\ DQG FRUH 5HFHLYH a structured workout plan each session. No sessions Apr 21 & May 19. Instructor: Paula Dickie Location: Gym A Mon | 2:00 - 3:00 pm #17634 | Apr 7 - Jun 16 | $180 + gst Wed | 6:45 - 7:45 am #17635 | Apr 9 - Jun 18 | $220 + gst Wed | 10:45 - 11:45 am #17636 | Apr 9 - Jun 18 | $220 + gst Small Group Training with Paula 16 years & up
Postpartum Fitness Class 16 years & up It is never too late to strengthen and rehab your body after giving birth. Gain strength, improve posture, heal your core and UHFRQQHFW ZLWK \RXU SHOYLF ʴRRU Pre-mobile babies welcome. Join six weeks postpartum or with advice from your medical professional. No session Apr 18. Instructor: Laurel Dickson Location: MP Hall Fri | 10:30 - 11:30 am #17642 | Apr 4 - May 16 | $60 + gst #17681 | May 23 - Jun 27 | $60 + gst Enjoy exercising outdoors with other parents and their children! Using your stroller, bands and body weight, we strengthen all muscle groups. Finish with core and pelvic ʴRRU ZRUN &KLOGUHQ IURP ZHHNV onwards welcome to join in your own stroller. Please bring your own mat and dress for west coast weather. Instructor: Laurel Dickson Location: Marina Park Wed | 9:30 - 10:30 am #17637 | May 14 - Jun 25 | $70 + gst Stroller Fit 16 years & up
Comox Fitness
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