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oe l Buchanan Hall o o ee o mo Dogs require proof of vaccination 3UHVHQWHG E\ 6WUDWKFRQD 'RJV *HW \RXU SXSS\ Rႇ WR WKH EHVW ar o ible o i ill in lude mo i a ion and ommuni a ion ro er o iali a ion and bod andling e ba i of i do n and a uilding our re all and Rႇ OHDVK VNLOOV 7URXEOH VKRRWLQJ rae e and oue raining Instructor: Strathcona Dogs rida m r a a ul No class Jun 13. e e e ce Buchanan Hall o o o mo ol e Not suitable for reactive dogs Dogs require proof of vaccination 3UHVHQWHG E\ 6WUDWKFRQD 'RJV ea our dog e ill e QHHG WR EH \RXU KDSS\ FRQ¿GHQW and ell be a ed om anion a ome on e rail and in life o i ill in lude mo i a ion and ommuni a ion i do n and a for e real orld e all from e er da di ra ion ea e and loo e lea al ing Instructor: Strathcona Dogs rida m r a No class Jun 13.
e Wl 18 yrs • No. 6 Mine Park & forest omen grou for a i e ad en urou i er o are loo ing o dee en eir onne ion i elf o er and e na ural orld fa ili a ed b enee aron an e erien ed ou door edu a or and medi a ion ea er en e ee o em o er omen ou door o a e an in rea e WKHLU FRQ¿GHQFH WR PRYH WKURXJK ild a e edi a ion i ing in e Cumberland ore area and ommuni ir le ill gi e a e o
Open Climbing m m lm W ll 6WDႇ DYDLODEOH WR EHOD\ LI QHHGHG m r a no climbing May 2, 9, 23, 24. m r a
ear ren al
free for
ea mon l meeing Instructor: Renée Baron aurda m r a un
Special Interest
c le ll
o m l 16 yrs Gymnasium m la i ba and i ime i for gro n u our ea er ill uller of Como Valle oune mig a ign a li e dodgeball i leball a ure WKH ÀDJ ZLWK 1HUI %ODVWHUV RU i eball a la ill be an
me l 16 yrs Gymnasium 3UHVHQWHG E\ &RPR[ 9DOOH\ 3LFNOHEDOO $VVRFLDWLRQ a e fun ile learning e ba i of e fa e gro ing game in o n i leball i rogram ill a e ou from ner ou l VWHSSLQJ RQ WKH FRXUW IRU WKH ¿UVW WLPH WR EHLQJ D FRQ¿GHQW DQG noledgeable i leball laer e e ion ill in lude oiioning oring ering o addle and ball are u lied Instructor: Como alley Pickleball Association unda m ar r No class Apr 20. oie din lob dro e raeg bu mo im oranl
e iingne ur ri e Instructor: Phill Fuller ue da m r un No class May 6, 13.
Cumberland ec l e e
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Spring/Summer Registration Starts Monday March 10 Summer Camp Registration Starts Monday April 28 | See page 57
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