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Soccertron Camp - C 6 - 15 years Catch all the soccer excitement this summer with Soccertron the established leader in providing superbly organized soccer experience. From enthusiastic, professionally trained coaches who motivate students through student centered learning to a strong progression of skill development. We never forget that fun is the most important part of FUNdamentals. Camps include a team t-shirt and end with a fun tournament on Friday. There will be a fun water session each day. Bring a towel and swim suit, pick up is at Marina Park waterpark (Full Day camp only). No session Jul 1. Instructor: Soccertron Coaches Location: Village Park Full Day 8 - 15 years Mon - Fri | 9:00 am - 4:00 pm *Mon, Wed - Fri | 9:00 am - 4:00 pm #17740 _ -XQ -XO _ #17738 | Jul 21 - 25 | $264 #17737 | Aug 25 - 29 | $264 Half Day 6 - 9 years Mon - Fri | 9:00 am - 12:00 pm *Mon, Wed - Fri | 9:00 am - 12:00 pm #17747 _ -XQ -XO _ #17745 | Jul 21 - 25 | $165 #17746 | Aug 25 - 29 | $165 10 - 14 years Mon - Fri | 9:00 am - 12:00 pm *Mon, Wed - Fri | 9:00 am - 12:00 pm #17743 _ -XQ -XO _
Eli Pasquale Basketball Camp - C 6 - 15 years Eli Pasquale has been bringing basketball to our community since 1984. The classic co-ed half day programs plus full day camp will teach Eli’s Guard Series. Improve on your one on one skills and develop offensive and defensive skills for multi-player and team play. Instructor: Pasquale Coaches Location: Gym B Half Day 6 - 9 years Mon - Fri | 9:00 am - 12:00 pm #17736 | Aug 18 - 22 | $165 10 - 14 years Mon - Fri | 1:00 - 4:00 pm #17732 | Aug 18 - 22 | $165 Full Day 8 - 15 years Tennis Camp - C 5 - 15 years Ace your summer with tennis camp! Build skills like serving, rallying, and volleying through fun games on the outdoor court. Make new IULHQGV ERRVW \RXU FRQʳGHQFH and fall in love with the sport in a supportive and engaging environment. Instructor: Simon Richards Location: Robb Rd Tennis Courts Red Ball 5 - 10 years Mon - Fri | 9:00 am - 4:00 pm #17729 | Aug 18 - 22 | $264
Alpine Adventure Camp - C 7 - 12 years Get ready for an exhilarating DGYHQWXUH ʳOOHG ZLWK H[SORUDWLRQ challenges and outdoor fun! From heart-pumping mountain biking to thrilling hikes, engaging games and creative crafts - there’s something for everyone and so much more! Our dynamic leaders are dedicated to ensuring every young adventurer experiences the time of their lives in a safe and controlled environment. Join us for an unforgettable week packed with excitement and fun! Instructor: Mount Washington Camp Leaders Location: Mount Washington Mountain Biking Mon - Fri | 10:00 am - 3:00 pm #18070 | Jul 21 - 25 | $179 #18071 | Aug 11 - 15 | $179 Hiking Mon - Fri | 10:00 am - 3:00 pm #18072 | Jul 28 - Aug 1 | $179
Comox Summer Camps
Mon - Fri | 9:00 - 10:00 am #17666 | Jul 7-11 | $68 #17667 | Jul 14 - 18 | $68 #17668 | Jul 21 - 25 | $68 Orange/Green Ball 7 - 15 years Mon - Fri | 10:15 - 11:45 am #17669 | Jul 7-11 | $79 #17670 | Jul 14 - 18 | $79 #17671 | Jul 21 - 25 | $79
#17744 | Jul 21 - 25 | $165 #17741 | Aug 25 - 29 | $165
Interested in volunteering with Summer Camp? (PDLO +DQQD DW KVWRGGDUW#FRPR[ FD RU ʳOO RXW D YROXQWHHU DSSOLFDWLRQ DW WKH Front Desk.
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