Full Winter 2015 Reporter - Courtenay Recreation- optimized

Courtenay Recreation

Painting with Watercolours

Test the Waters - Watercolours that is! Do you know if you would en- joy painting? Find Out! With a small investment of time and money, this class will allow you to try painting. Warning, you could get hooked! Come along to this session where the artists’ materials are supplied and you are only asked to bring things you likely have around the house. Participants will play a bit and then paint some simple things like bananas and finish up with a winter landscape’. A sup- ply fee of $16 will be collected by the instructor. Deadline to register is February 20. Instructor: Bill Kerr Saturdays & Sundays February 28 & March 1 10:00 am - 3:30 pm Lewis Centre $50/2 Sessions Egg Tempera Painting Experience No paint handles as nicely on the brush as egg tempera. It is as transparent or opaque as you wish. It dries quickly allowing glazing opportunities you have only dreamed of! In Florence the perfectly preserved egg tem- pera work in the cathedral are a few hundred years older than the aged oils and are still perfect today! A $17 supply fee will be collected by the instructor. Deadline to register March 2. Instructor: Bill Kerr Saturdays & Sundays March 21 & 22 10:00 am - 3:30 pm Lewis Centre $50/2 Sessions

“Wet in Wet” Watercolours This workshop will introduce painters to ‘wet in wet’ water- colour through guided exercises and simple works. The emphasis is on gaining a degree of control and working with some preci- sion. The best results are realized by timely interaction with the drying of the work. Apprecia- tion of the state of the work and the degree of haste required is gained through experimen- tation and repetition. Some colours are more mobile than others under varying degrees of moisture. There are a few more tricky elements and of course some tarting up at the end is a useful trick. This workshop is not suitable for those with no paint- ing experience. Instructor: Bill Kerr Saturday & Sunday March 28 & 29 10:00 am - 3:30 pm Lewis Centre $50/2 Sessions New !

Bringing order to complexity is the key to painting, particularly to water colour painting. In a step by step demonstration driv- en teaching process this is exact- ly what you will learn to do with personal coaching in an enjoy- able atmosphere. The program will involve a variety of tech- niques unique to water colour such as washes, graded washes, masking, dry brush, glazing and more. Attention will be paid to the selection and care of materi- als and tools that will make your work more rewarding. No class February 9. Instructor: Bill Kerr Mondays January 19 - March 16 6:30 - 9:30 pm Lewis Centre $120/8 Sessions Painting for Beginners Learn every basic you’ll need to have a solid foundation in paint- ing in oils or acrylics. You’ll learn how to draw, mix colours, recognise and get accurate tone, create great compositions and more! All in easy steps with a great atmosphere! No class February 9. Instructor: Teresa Knight Mondays January 19 - March 16 6:30 - 8:30 pm Lewis Park Tsolum Building $80/8 Sessions

Courtenay Recreation



Registration starts Wednesday November 19 see page 114

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