Fall pages CR
Evergreen Club
Special Events Watch for details and more events in our monthly Evergreen Club newsletter online or pick up a copy at the Florence Filberg Centre. Tickets for all Evergreen club shows will be available at the Florence Filberg Centre and at the door. All events are fundraisers for the Evergreen Club. Fall Fashion Show Wednesday September 14 Come see local clothing stores showcasing their fall lines. Evergreen Club Open House Wednesday September 28 (free event)
The Singin’ Sistas will entertain at the Rock & Roll Revival in November
The Open House is a great time to come learn more about the club and the many activities, events and bus trips. In honour of the CRA’s 75th Anniversary expect to also see some interesting history exhibits as well. Rock and Roll Revival III Show Sunday November 6 Reminisce the good ol’ days and enjoy the, presented by The Singin’ Sistas (formerly the Ken MacLeod Sing- ers), accompanied by Kelly Thomas on the keyboard and Spent, a live rock and roll band. This lively, upbeat show features vocalists singing your favorite songs from the 1950’s and 60’s. Dancing will be encouraged.
EvergreenLounge Come enjoy the Evergreen Lounge!
Grabdinner for later and stay to enjoy a fresh bakedmuffin, soup, salads or sandwich for lunch. Delicious hot specials like lasagna, chicken enchiladas andpizzaare offeredon Tuesday,Wednesday and Fridays, check our newsletter to see the specials in advance. Meet upwith a friend for a coffee or grababook or DVD fromour lending library. Our kitchen has adedicatedgroupof volunteers allowing us to offer affordable prices for our members.
Florence Filberg Centre • 250-338-1000 Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteering in the Evergreen Kitchen is a great way to immerse yourself at The Club! It is a great way to connect with peers and give back to this club that provides a valuable service to our communities’ seniors. We are always looking for more volunteers so we can continue to offer a variety of clubs, special events and food at affordable prices. The Evergreen Club also welcomes volunteers to start new activity clubs. If you have a favorite activity not listed please let us know and maybe we can get it going! Hours are flexible to accommodate your busy schedule, and can start at just 2 hours a month. If you would like to learn more, we would love to chat with you.
The Evergreen Club at the Florence Filberg Centre
COURTENAY RECREATION | 250-338-5371 | 250-338-1000 | courtenay.ca/rec
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