Fall Recreation guide 2

WINTER WONDERLAND DANCE Kick off the holiday season with the Adapted Crew at our annu al Winter Wonderland Dance. Treats and drinks provided and a visit from a special guest! #12513 Friday December 15 12:30 - 2:30 pm Strike up new friendships at our fun bowling leagues on Wednes days. Get ready for spares, chop offs, strikes and probably a few gutter balls as you work to im prove your bowling game. Who will be the first to get a turkey (3 strikes in a row)?! Instructor: Tammy Jones #12502 Wednesdays September 20 - December 6 3:00 - 4:00 pm Codes Country Bowling $5/12 ADAPTED BOWLING LEAGUE


ADAPTED HARVEST DANCE Come together with the Adapted Crew to get down to some sick ‘beets’.There will be music, danc ing, and treats! #12507 Friday September 15 Special Interest ADAPTED PUMPKIN CARVING Back by popular demand - pumpkin carving at The Lewis Centre! Join the crew for carv ing, treats, and singing along to Halloween tunes. Pumpkins provided! #12510 Tuesday October 24 10:00 - 11:30 am Lewis Craft Room B $4 Registration for Adapted Programs starts Monday, August 21 @ 8:30 am 1:00 - 2:30 pm Lewis MP Hall $3

ADAPTED HALLOWEEN BINGO & DANCE Dress up and get ready for a spooooooky game of bingo with all your friends! Tricks & Treats for all! #12506 Friday October 27 12:30 - 3:00 pm Lewis MP Hall $3

Filberg Conference Hall $3


Pull out your holiday sweater and get ready for some festive fun! Bingo with Santa is sure to be a merry treat. Prizes for all participants. #12501 Wednesday December 13 10:00 - 11:00 am Lewis MP Hall $3

Oh no, you had to cancel the class? Please register at least one week in advance to avoid disappointment.

Please note: while we do our best to meet your needs, we do not provide 1 on 1 assistance. Please bring support staff if required.

COURTENAY RECREATION | 250-338-5371 | 250-338-1000 | courtenay.ca/rec


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