Fall Recreation guide 2



LEADERS IN TRAINING (12 - 18 years) Have fun, get involved, gain work experience and build your resume as you learn to become an awesome leader! Learn to plan and lead games and help plan the children’s Halloween or Christmas parties! We’ll also cover behaviour management, leadership and team work. Then, volunteer and test out your new skills. Tuesdays #12617 September 19 - October 24 #12618 November 7 - December 12 4:00 - 6:30 pm LINC Multipurpose Room $45/6 An online feature that will help you get organized and ready in advance of Registration Day. Ask us how it works or visit www.courtenay.ca/reconline to see the video. Have you tried the WISH LIST ?

FOOD SAFE LEVEL 1 (13 years & over) Spend your Pro-D day training to become an employable food handler in the service industry. Learn about safe food handling methods and food preparation techniques. Certificates are awarded upon successful com pletion of the program. A must for resumes! Instructor: Gaeltane Palardy #12558 Friday October 20 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Lewis Tsolum Building $98 Are you ready to join the work force and to start making your own money but are unsure where to start? Get armed with resources and skills to land your next job. Gain valuable re sume-building skills in The LINC’s concession, including cash and food handling, customer service and workplace safety. Complete a resume, learn interview skills, practice teamwork and communi cation skills, tour local business es and get the scoop on what could set your application apart! Receive a reference, resume and certificate upon completion. #12578 Saturdays November 18 - December 23 2:45 - 5:30 pm LINC Multipurpose Room $72/6 JOB PREP (12 - 18 years)

YOUTH COUNCIL (11 - 18 years)

We are looking for new mem bers keen to provide a youth voice to The LINC and commu nity. Help highlight important issues affecting youth in the Comox Valley and facilitate community projects. Members are responsible for planning and assisting in fun drop-in activities, special events and fundraisers. They are advocates of respect, inclusivity, teamwork and con necting youth with similar goals to one another and the commu nity. Join us for an information meeting on October 6 and find out how you can get involved and have fun FREE access to The LINC all year round! #12552 Fridays October 6 - December 15 5:00 - 6:00 pm LINC Multipurpose Room FREE

Oh no, you had to cancel the class? Please register at least one week in advance to avoid disappointment.



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