Fall Recreation guide 2

COURT SPORTS (8 - 12 years)

Looking for some fun indoors fast action on the courts? Look no further, volleyball, badminton, basketball, pickleball and more will be sampled in this fun active class on the courts. Register or drop-in! No class October 30 &


November 13. #12619 Mondays

October 16 - November 27 5:30 - 6:30 pm Lewis Centre MP Hall $25/5 or $5/drop-in

SKATEBOARD FUNDAMENTALS (7 - 12 years) Build confidence in learning the sport of skateboarding. We’ll review the basics to get you cruising and then trying out a new trick or two! This class is geared toward beginner-novice skaters. No classes October 2, 9 & November 13 . Mondays #12547 September 11 - October 30 #12548 November 6 - December 18 4:30 - 5:30 pm

TOTS FLOOR HOCKEY (3 - 5 years) Boys and girls will learn the basics of Floor Hockey! Start off with a mini sports warm-up, then you’ll focus on learning the skills and drills that emphasize how to stick handle, shoot, pass, play defense and most importantly, have fun! Parent participation as needed. Thursdays #12262 September 21 - October 26 #12263 November 2 - December 7 FLOOR HOCKEY (8 - 12 years) Grab your stick and join your friends for some good old fashioned fun hockey. We will practice skills like passing, shoot ing and stick handling, then end the day with a scrimmage. Be sure to wear runners and bring water. No class October2, 9 & November 13. Mondays #12206 September 18 - October 23 #12207 November 6 - December 4 4:00 - 5:00 pm Lewis Multipurpose Hall $40/4 11:15 am - 12:00 pm Lewis Centre Gym $49/6

JR SK8 STARS (5 - 8 years)

Have you ever wanted to try out skateboarding? This in troductory class will get your wheels spinning! You’ll learn the basics of balance and pushing and have fun exploring the street and bowl sections of the indoor park. Skateboards and safety equipment included. No classes October 2, 9 & Novem ber 13. Mondays #12545 September 11 - October 30 #12546 November 6 - December 18 3:30 - 4:15 pm LINC Indoor Skatepark $69/6 SCOOTER TRICKS 101 (6 - 12 years)

LINC Youth Centre Indoor Skatepark $69/6 Rentals available

Join us afterschool for a scooter around the indoor skatepark! Have fun developing in this sport as you learn tips from your instructors while maneuvering around the street section and bowl. This class is geared to beginner-novice riders wanting to learn new tricks or try out a new sport. Wednesdays

#12560 September 13 - October 25 #12561 November 1 - December 13 3:30 - 4:30 pm LINC Indoor Skatepark $60/7

Look for this symbol throughout Courtenay Rec pages for programs that incorporate Physical Literacy. See page 79 for more info.


COURTENAY RECREATION | 250-338-5371 | 250-338-1000 | courtenay.ca/rec

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