Fall Recreation guide 2
Three Easy Ways To Regis ter:
In this Issue...
Fall program registration starts Aug 14 at 6:00 am
Operation High Jump See page 56
Online: www.comox.ca/recreation By Phone: 250-339-2255 In Person: 1855 Noel Avenue, Comox
Group Fitness Flex See page 36
T o Pay by Visa or MasterCard please have the following information ready: • Registrant’s information • Course name, time & activity # • Visa or MasterCard #, CVC and the expiry date.
Message from the Mayor F all is here, and you can tell by the cooler mornings! It was a wonderful summer in Comox, where we all enjoyed the weather and participated in a number of special events and activities. The harvest season is a beautiful time of year as we prepare to “give thanks” for all our blessings and return to our regular routines at the Comox Community Centre. As we head into fall, it is great time to discover new ways to connect with family. Join us Fridays for Family Fun Nights from 6:15 - 7:30 pm, Preteen Hangout 6:30 - 8:00 pm and Youth Open
Comox Community Centre 1855 Noel Ave, Comox BC V9M 2H4 250-339-2255 info@comox.ca Contact Us: Recreation Director Ted Hagmeier Recreation Supervisor Amy Bauman Recreation Programmers Laura Weston Heather Bailey Facility & Field Bookings Laura Kennell
Gym 8:00 - 9:30 pm (check p.52 for exception dates). The special event season begins with Music in the Park on Sunday, September 3. This year it will be held in the hub of our community, Comox Marina Park. Bring out the whole family and get your toes tapping with some great entertainment from local artists. Whether you’re interested in visiting the Fitness Studio for a workout, joining a fitness class, or moving with your children in the gym, everyone can stay active this fall. We look forward to seeing you at the Comox Community Centre and our seasonal special events.
Ext. 5682
Ext. 5683
Ext. 5837 Ext. 5700
Ext. 5696
Best regards, Nicole Minions Mayor, Town of Comox
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